The King James Version (w/Strong's)
Nestle-Aland Greek NT (1993)
[1]A SongH7892 of degreesH4609 of DavidH1732. IfH3884 it had not been the LORDH3068 who was on our side, now may IsraelH3478 H559sayH8799 [No book]
[2]IfH3884 it had not been the LORDH3068 who was on our side, when menH120 rose upH6965 against usH8800: [No book]
[3]ThenH233 they had swallowed us upH1104[H8804] quickH2416, when their wrathH639 was kindledH2734 against usH8800: [No book]
[4]ThenH233 the watersH4325 had overwhelmedH7857[H8804] us, the streamH5158 had gone overH5674[H8804] our soulH5315: [No book]
[5]ThenH233 the proudH2121 watersH4325 had gone overH5674[H8804] our soulH5315. [No book]
[6]BlessedH1288[H8803] be the LORDH3068, who hath not givenH5414[H8804] us as a preyH2964 to their teethH8127. [No book]
[7]Our soulH5315 is escapedH4422[H8738] as a birdH6833 out of the snareH6341 of the fowlersH3369[H8802]: the snareH6341 is brokenH7665[H8738], and we are escapedH4422.[H8738] [No book]
[8]Our helpH5828 is in the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068, who madeH6213[H8802] heavenH8064 and earthH776. [No book]
Source: studybible.info
Author: Eberhard Nestle (1851–1913), Kurt Aland (1915–1994), Barbara Aland (b. 1937), et al.
Source: sacred-texts.org

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