The Bishops' Bible (1568)
Peshitta NT (1905)
[1] The foole hath sayde in his heart there is no God: they haue corrupted [them selues] and done an abhominable worke, there is not one that doth good [No book]
[2]God loked downe from heauen vpon the children of men: to see yf there were any that did vnderstande [and] seke after the Lorde [No book]
[3]But they are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become abhominable: there is none that doth good, no not one [No book]
[4]Do not all the workers of iniquitie know, deuouryng my people as though they deuoured bread: that they call not vpon God [No book]
[5]Hereafter they shalbe taken with a great feare: for the Lorde is in the generation of the righteous [No book]
[6]As for nowe ye make a mocke at the counsayle of the poore: because he reposeth his trust in God [No book]
[7]Who shall geue saluation vnto Israel: out of Sion? (14:8) When God will deliuer his people out of captiuitie: [then] wyll Iacob reioyce, and Israel be glad [No book]
Source: studybible.org