The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]Why do the heathenH1471 rageH7283[H8804], and the peopleH3816 imagineH1897[H8799] a vain thingH7385? [1]Why do the heathen rage, and the people murmur in vain?
[2]The kingsH4428 of the earthH776 setH3320[H8691] themselves, and the rulersH7336[H8802] take counselH3245[H8738] togetherH3162, against the LORDH3068, and against his anointed, sayingH4899, [2]The Kings of the earth band themselves, and the princes are assembled together against the Lord, and against his Christ.
[3]Let us breakH5423 their bandsH4147 asunderH5423[H8762], and cast awayH7993[H8686] their cords from usH5688. [3]Let us break their bands, and cast their cords from us.
[4]He that sittethH3427[H8802] in the heavensH8064 shall laughH7832[H8799]: the LordH136 shall have them in derisionH3932.[H8799] [4]But he that dwelleth in the heaven shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
[5]Then shall he speakH1696[H8762] unto them in his wrathH639, and vexH926[H8762] them in his sore displeasureH2740. [5]Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure, saying,
[6]Yet have I setH5258[H8804] my kingH4428 upon my holyH6944 hillH2022 of ZionH6726. [6]Even I have set my king upon Zion mine holy mountain.
[7]I will declareH5608[H8762] the decreeH2706: the LORDH3068 hath saidH559[H8804] unto me, Thou art my SonH1121; this dayH3117 have I begottenH3205 theeH8804. [7]I will declare the decree: that is, the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son: this day have I begotten thee.
[8]AskH7592[H8798] of me, and I shall giveH5414[H8799] thee the heathenH1471 for thine inheritanceH5159, and the uttermost partsH657 of the earthH776 for thy possessionH272. [8]Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for thy possession.
[9]Thou shalt breakH7489[H8799] them with a rodH7626 of ironH1270; thou shalt dash them in piecesH5310[H8762] like a potter'sH3335[H8802] vesselH3627. [9]Thou shalt crush them with a scepter of iron, and break them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
[10]Be wiseH7919[H8685] now therefore, O ye kingsH4428: be instructedH3256[H8734], ye judgesH8199[H8802] of the earthH776. [10]Be wise now therefore, ye kings: be learned ye judges of the earth.
[11]ServeH5647[H8798] the LORDH3068 with fearH3374, and rejoiceH1523[H8798] with tremblingH7461. [11]Serve the Lord in fear, and rejoice in trembling.
[12]KissH5401[H8761] the SonH1248, lest he be angryH599[H8799], and ye perishH6[H8799] from the wayH1870, when his wrathH639 is kindledH1197[H8799] but a littleH4592. BlessedH835 are all they that put their trustH2620 in himH8802. [12]Kiss the Son, least he be angry, and ye perish in the way, when his wrath shall suddenly burn. Blessed are all that trust in him.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org