The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[[To him that excelleth on Shoshannim a song of love to give instruction, committed to the sons of Korah.]]
[1]To the chief MusicianH5329[H8764] upon ShoshannimH7799, for the sonsH1121 of KorahH7141, MaschilH4905[H8688], A SongH7892 of lovesH3039. My heartH3820 is inditingH7370[H8804] a goodH2896 matterH1697: I speakH559[H8802] of the things which I have madeH4639 touching the kingH4428: my tongueH3956 is the penH5842 of a readyH4106 writerH5608.[H8802] [1]Mine heart will utter forth a good matter: I will entreat in my works of the king: my tongue is as the pen of a swift writer.
[2]Thou art fairerH3302[H8795] than the childrenH1121 of menH120: graceH2580 is pouredH3332[H8717] into thy lipsH8193: therefore GodH430 hath blessedH1288[H8765] thee for everH5769. [2]Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured in thy lips, because God hath blessed thee forever.
[3]GirdH2296[H8798] thy swordH2719 upon thy thighH3409, O most mightyH1368, with thy gloryH1935 and thy majestyH1926. [3]Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O Most Mighty, to wit, thy worship and thy glory,
[4]And in thy majestyH1926 rideH7392[H8798] prosperouslyH6743[H8798] becauseH1697 of truthH571 and meeknessH6037 and righteousnessH6664; and thy right handH3225 shall teachH3384[H8686] thee terrible thingsH3372.[H8737] [4]And prosper with thy glory: ride upon the word of truth and of meekness and of righteousness: so thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.
[5]Thine arrowsH2671 are sharpH8150[H8802] in the heartH3820 of the king'sH4428 enemiesH341[H8802]; whereby the peopleH5971 fallH5307 under theeH8799. [5]Thine arrows are sharp to pierce the heart of the king's enemies: therefore the people shall fall under thee.
[6]Thy throneH3678, O GodH430, is for everH5769 and everH5703: the sceptreH7626 of thy kingdomH4438 is a rightH4334 sceptreH7626. [6]Thy throne, O God , is forever and ever: the scepter of thy kingdom is a scepter of righteousness.
[7]Thou lovestH157[H8804] righteousnessH6664, and hatestH8130[H8799] wickednessH7562: therefore GodH430, thy GodH430, hath anointedH4886[H8804] thee with the oilH8081 of gladnessH8342 above thy fellowsH2270. [7]Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness, because God, even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
[8]All thy garmentsH899 smell of myrrhH4753, and aloesH174, and cassiaH7102, out of the ivoryH8127 palacesH1964, wherebyH4482 they have made thee gladH8055.[H8765] [8]All thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes, and cassia, when thou comest out of the ivory palaces, where they have made thee glad.
[9]Kings'H4428 daughtersH1323 were among thy honourable womenH3368: upon thy right handH3225 did standH5324[H8738] the queenH7694 in goldH3800 of OphirH211. [9]King's daughters were among thine honorable wives: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in a vesture of gold of Ophir.
[10]HearkenH8085[H8798], O daughterH1323, and considerH7200[H8798], and inclineH5186[H8685] thine earH241; forgetH7911[H8798] also thine own peopleH5971, and thy father'sH1 houseH1004; [10]Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear: forget also thine own people and thy father's house.
[11]So shall the kingH4428 greatly desireH183[H8691] thy beautyH3308: for he is thy LordH113; and worshipH7812 thou himH8690. [11]So shall the king have pleasure in thy beauty: for he is thy Lord, and reverence thou him.
[12]And the daughterH1323 of TyreH6865 shall be there with a giftH4503; even the richH6223 among the peopleH5971 shall intreatH2470[H8762] thy favourH6440. [12]And the daughter of Tyrus with the rich of the people shall do homage before thy face with presents.
[13]The king'sH4428 daughterH1323 is all gloriousH3520 withinH6441: her clothingH3830 is of wroughtH4865 goldH2091. [13]The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of broidered gold.
[14]She shall be broughtH2986[H8714] unto the kingH4428 in raiment of needleworkH7553: the virginsH1330 her companionsH7464 that followH310 her shall be broughtH935 unto theeH8716. [14]She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins that follow after her, and her companions shall be brought unto thee.
[15]With gladnessH8057 and rejoicingH1524 shall they be broughtH2986[H8714]: they shall enterH935[H8799] into the king'sH4428 palaceH1964. [15]With joy and gladness shall they be brought , and shall enter into the king's palace.
[16]Instead of thy fathersH1 shall be thy childrenH1121, whom thou mayest makeH7896[H8799] princesH8269 in all the earthH776. [16]Instead of thy fathers shall thy children be: thou shalt make them princes through all the earth.
[17]I will make thy nameH8034 to be rememberedH2142[H8686] in allH1755 generationsH1755: therefore shall the peopleH5971 praiseH3034[H8686] thee for everH5769 and everH5703. [17]I will make thy name to be remembered through all generations: therefore shall the people give thanks unto thee world without end.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org