The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[[A song or Psalm Chapter committed to the sons of Korah.]]
[1]A SongH7892 and PsalmH4210 for the sonsH1121 of KorahH7141. GreatH1419 is the LORDH3068, and greatlyH3966 to be praisedH1984[H8794] in the cityH5892 of our GodH430, in the mountainH2022 of his holinessH6944. [1]Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, even upon his holy mountain.
[2]BeautifulH3303 for situationH5131, the joyH4885 of the whole earthH776, is mountH2022 ZionH6726, on the sidesH3411 of the northH6828, the cityH7151 of the greatH7227 KingH4428. [2]Mount Zion, lying n orthward, is fair in situation: it is the joy of the whole earth , and the city of the great King.
[3]GodH430 is knownH3045[H8738] in her palacesH759 for a refugeH4869. [3]In the palaces thereof God is known for a refuge.
[4]For, lo, the kingsH4428 were assembledH3259[H8738], they passed byH5674[H8804] togetherH3162. [4]For lo, the kings were gathered, and went together.
[5]They sawH7200[H8804] it, and so they marvelledH8539[H8804]; they were troubledH926[H8738], and hasted awayH2648.[H8738] [5]When they saw it, they marveled: they were astonied, and suddenly driven back.
[6]FearH7461 took holdH270[H8804] upon them there, and painH2427, as of a woman in travailH3205.[H8802] [6]Fear came there upon them, and sorrow, as upon a woman in travail.
[7]Thou breakestH7665[H8762] the shipsH591 of TarshishH8659 with an eastH6921 windH7307. [7]As with an east wind thou breakest the ships of Tarshish , so were they destroyed.
[8]As we have heardH8085[H8804], so have we seenH7200[H8804] in the cityH5892 of the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, in the cityH5892 of our GodH430: GodH430 will establishH3559[H8787] it forH5704 everH5769. SelahH5542. [8]As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it forever. Selah.
[9]We have thoughtH1819[H8765] of thy lovingkindnessH2617, O GodH430, in the midstH7130 of thy templeH1964. [9]We wait for thy loving kindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple.
[10]According to thy nameH8034, O GodH430, so is thy praiseH8416 unto the endsH7099 of the earthH776: thy right handH3225 is fullH4390[H8804] of righteousnessH6664. [10]O God, according unto thy name, so is thy praise unto the worlds end: thy right hand is full of righteousness.
[11]Let mountH2022 ZionH6726 rejoiceH8055[H8799], let the daughtersH1323 of JudahH3063 be gladH1523[H8799], because of thy judgmentsH4941. [11]Let mount Zion rejoice, and the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments.
[12]Walk aboutH5437[H8798] ZionH6726, and go round aboutH5362[H8685] her: tellH5608[H8798] the towers thereofH4026. [12]Compass about Zion, and go round about it, and tell the towers thereof.
[13]MarkH7896[H8798] ye wellH3820 her bulwarksH2430, considerH6448[H8761] her palacesH759; that ye may tellH5608[H8762] it to the generationH1755 followingH314. [13]Mark well the wall thereof: behold her towers, that ye may tell your posterity.
[14]For this GodH430 is our GodH430 for everH5769 and everH5703: he will be our guideH5090[H8762] even unto deathH4192. [14]For this God is our God forever and ever: he shall be our guide unto the death.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org