[1]To the Overseer. -- `On the Dumb Dove far off.' -- A secret treasure of David, in the Philistines' taking hold of him in Gath. Favour me, O God, for man swallowed me up, All the day fighting he oppresseth me, |
[1]Be merciful unto me, O God, for man would swallow me up: he fighteth continually and vexeth me. |
[2]Mine enemies have swallowed up all the day, For many [are] fighting against me, O most High, |
[2]Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for many fight against me, O thou Most High. |
[3]The day I am afraid I am confident toward Thee. |
[3]When I was afraid, I trusted in thee. |
[4]In God I praise His word, in God I have trusted, I fear not what flesh doth to me. |
[4]I will rejoice in God, because of his word, I trust in God, and will not fear what flesh can do unto me. |
[5]All the day they wrest my words, Concerning me all their thoughts [are] for evil, |
[5]Mine own words grieve me daily: all their thoughts are against me to do me hurt. |
[6]They assemble, they hide, they watch my heels, When they have expected my soul. |
[6]They gather together, and keep themselves close: they mark my steps, because they wait for my soul. |
[7]By iniquity they escape, In anger the peoples put down, O God. |
[7]They think they shall escape by iniquity: O God, cast these people down in thine anger. |
[8]My wandering Thou hast counted, Thou -- place Thou my tear in Thy bottle, Are they not in Thy book? |
[8]Thou hast counted my wanderings: put my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy register? |
[9]Then turn back do mine enemies in the day I call. This I have known, that God [is] for me. |
[9]When I cry, then mine enemies shall turn back: this I know, for God is with me. |
[10]In God I praise the word, In Jehovah I praise the word. |
[10]I will rejoice in God because of his word: in the Lord will I rejoice because of his word. |
[11]In God I trusted, I fear not what man doth to me, |
[11]In God do I trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. |
[12]On me, O God, [are] Thy vows, I repay thank-offerings to Thee. |
[12]Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee. |
[13]For Thou hast delivered my soul from death, Dost Thou not my feet from falling? To walk habitually before God in the light of the living! |
[13]For thou hast delivered my soul from death, and also my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living. |