[1]To the chief MusicianH5329[H8764], A SongH7892 or PsalmH4210. Make a joyful noiseH7321[H8685] unto GodH430, all ye landsH776: |
[1]Rejoice in God, all ye inhabitants of the earth. |
[2]Sing forthH2167[H8761] the honourH3519 of his nameH8034: makeH7760[H8798] his praiseH8416 gloriousH3519. |
[2]Sing forth the glory of his name: make his praise glorious. |
[3]SayH559[H8798] unto GodH430, How terribleH3372[H8737] art thou in thy worksH4639! through the greatnessH7230 of thy powerH5797 shall thine enemiesH341[H8802] submitH3584 themselves unto theeH8762. |
[3]Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! Through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies be in subjection unto thee. |
[4]All the earthH776 shall worshipH7812[H8691] thee, and shall singH2167[H8762] unto thee; they shall singH2167[H8762] to thy nameH8034. SelahH5542. |
[4]All the world shall worship thee, and sing unto thee, even sing of thy name. Selah. |
[5]ComeH3212[H8798] and seeH7200[H8798] the worksH4659 of GodH430: he is terribleH3372[H8737] in his doingH5949 toward the childrenH1121 of menH120. |
[5]Come and behold the works of God: he is terrible in his doing toward the sons of men. |
[6]He turnedH2015[H8804] the seaH3220 into dryH3004 land: they wentH5674[H8799] through the floodH5104 on footH7272: there did we rejoiceH8055 in himH8799. |
[6]He hath turned the sea into dry land: they pass through the river on foot: there did we rejoice in him. |
[7]He rulethH4910[H8802] by his powerH1369 for everH5769; his eyesH5869 beholdH6822[H8799] the nationsH1471: let not the rebelliousH5637[H8802] exaltH7311[H8799][H8675][H7311][H8686] themselves. SelahH5542. |
[7]He ruleth the world with his power: his eyes behold the nations: the rebellious shall not exalt themselves. Selah. |
[8]O blessH1288[H8761] our GodH430, ye peopleH5971, and make the voiceH6963 of his praiseH8416 to be heardH8085:[H8685] |
[8]Praise our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard. |
[9]Which holdethH7760[H8802] our soulH5315 in lifeH2416, and sufferethH5414[H8804] not our feetH7272 to be movedH4132. |
[9]Which holdeth our souls in life, and suffereth not our feet to slip. |
[10]For thou, O GodH430, hast provedH974[H8804] us: thou hast triedH6884[H8804] us, as silverH3701 is triedH6884.[H8800] |
[10]For thou, O God, hast proved us, thou hast tried us as silver is tried. |
[11]Thou broughtestH935[H8689] us into the netH4686; thou laidstH7760[H8804] afflictionH4157 upon our loinsH4975. |
[11]Thou hast brought us into the snare, and laid a strait chain upon our loins. |
[12]Thou hast caused menH582 to rideH7392[H8689] over our headsH7218; we wentH935[H8804] through fireH784 and through waterH4325: but thou broughtest us outH3318[H8686] into a wealthy placeH7310. |
[12]Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads: we went into fire and into water, but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. |
[13]I will goH935[H8799] into thy houseH1004 with burnt offeringsH5930: I will payH7999[H8762] thee my vowsH5088, |
[13]I will go into thine house with burnt offerings, and will pay thee my vows, |
[14]Which my lipsH8193 have utteredH6475[H8804], and my mouthH6310 hath spokenH1696[H8765], when I was in troubleH6862. |
[14]Which my lips have promised, and my mouth hath spoken in mine affliction. |
[15]I will offerH5927[H8686] unto thee burnt sacrificesH5930 of fatlingsH4220, with the incenseH7004 of ramsH352; I will offerH6213[H8799] bullocksH1241 with goatsH6260. SelahH5542. |
[15]I will offer unto thee burnt offerings of fat rams with incense: I will prepare bullocks and goats. Selah. |
[16]ComeH3212[H8798] and hearH8085[H8798], all ye that fearH3373 GodH430, and I will declareH5608[H8762] what he hath doneH6213[H8804] for my soulH5315. |
[16]Come and hearken, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what he hath done to my soul. |
[17]I criedH7121[H8804] unto him with my mouthH6310, and he was extolledH7311[H8785][H8676][H7318][H8785] withH8478 my tongueH3956. |
[17]I called unto him with my mouth, and he was exalted with my tongue. |
[18]If I regardH7200[H8804] iniquityH205 in my heartH3820, the LordH136 will not hearH8085 meH8799: |
[18]If I regard wickedness in mine heart, the Lord will not hear me. |
[19]But verilyH403 GodH430 hath heardH8085[H8804] me; he hath attendedH7181[H8689] to the voiceH6963 of my prayerH8605. |
[19]But God, hath heard me, and considered the voice of my prayer. |
[20]BlessedH1288[H8803] be GodH430, which hath not turned awayH5493[H8689] my prayerH8605, nor his mercy from meH2617. |
[20]Praised be God, which hath not put back my praise, nor his mercy from me. |