The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]In thee, O LORDH3068, do I put my trustH2620[H8804]: let me neverH408[H5769] be put to confusionH954.[H8799] [1]In thee, O Lord, I trust: let me never be ashamed.
[2]DeliverH5337[H8686] me in thy righteousnessH6666, and cause me to escapeH6403[H8762]: inclineH5186[H8685] thine earH241 unto me, and saveH3467 meH8685. [2]Rescue me and deliver me in thy righteousness: incline thine ear unto me and save me.
[3]Be thou my strongH6697 habitationH4583, whereunto I may continuallyH8548 resortH935[H8800]: thou hast given commandmentH6680[H8765] to saveH3467[H8687] me; for thou art my rockH5553 and my fortressH4686. [3]Be thou my strong rock, where unto I may alway resort: thou hast given commandment to save me: for thou art my rock, and my fortress.
[4]DeliverH6403[H8761] me, O my GodH430, out of the handH3027 of the wickedH7563, out of the handH3709 of the unrighteousH5765[H8764] and cruel manH2556.[H8802] [4]Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked: out of the hand of the evil and cruel man.
[5]For thou art my hopeH8615, O LordH136 GODH3069: thou art my trustH4009 from my youthH5271. [5]For thou art mine hope, O Lord God, even my trust from my youth.
[6]By thee have I been holden upH5564[H8738] from the wombH990: thou art he that tookH1491[H8802] me out of my mother'sH517 bowelsH4578: my praiseH8416 shall be continually of theeH8548. [6]Upon thee have I been stayed from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be always of thee.
[7]I am as a wonderH4159 unto manyH7227; but thou art my strongH5797 refugeH4268. [7]I am become as it were a monster unto many: but thou art my sure trust.
[8]Let my mouthH6310 be filledH4390[H8735] with thy praiseH8416 and with thy honourH8597 all the dayH3117. [8]Let my mouth be filled with thy praise, and with thy glory every day.
[9]Cast me not offH7993[H8686] in the timeH6256 of old ageH2209; forsakeH5800[H8799] me not when my strengthH3581 failethH3615.[H8800] [9]Cast me not off in the time of age: forsake me not when my strength faileth.
[10]For mine enemiesH341[H8802] speakH559[H8804] against me; and they that lay waitH8104[H8802] for my soulH5315 take counselH3289[H8738] togetherH3162, [10]For mine enemies speak of me, and they that lay wait for my soul, take their counsel together,
[11]SayingH559[H8800], GodH430 hath forsakenH5800[H8804] him: persecuteH7291[H8798] and takeH8610[H8798] him; for there is none to deliverH5337 himH8688. [11]Saying, God hath forsaken him: pursue and take him, for there is none to deliver him.
[12]O GodH430, be not farH7368[H8799] from me: O my GodH430, make hasteH2363[H8798][H8675][H2439] for my helpH5833. [12]Go not far from me, O God: my God, haste thee to help me.
[13]Let them be confoundedH954[H8799] and consumedH3615[H8799] that are adversariesH7853[H8802] to my soulH5315; let them be coveredH5844[H8799] with reproachH2781 and dishonourH3639 that seekH1245[H8764] my hurtH7451. [13]Let them be confounded and consumed that are against my soul: let them be covered with reproof and confusion, that seek mine hurt.
[14]But I will hopeH3176[H8762] continuallyH8548, and will yet praiseH8416 thee moreH3254[H8689] and moreH3254.[H8689] [14]But I will wait continually, and will praise thee more and more.
[15]My mouthH6310 shall shew forthH5608[H8762] thy righteousnessH6666 and thy salvationH8668 all the dayH3117; for I knowH3045[H8804] not the numbers thereofH5615. [15]My mouth shall daily rehearse thy righteousness, and thy salvation: for I know not the number.
[16]I will go inH935[H8799] the strengthH1369 of the LordH136 GODH3069: I will make mentionH2142[H8686] of thy righteousness, even of thine onlyH6666. [16]I will go forward in the strength of the Lord God, and will make mention of thy righteousness , even of thine only.
[17]O GodH430, thou hast taughtH3925[H8765] me from my youthH5271: and hitherto have I declaredH5046[H8686] thy wondrous worksH6381.[H8737] [17]O God, thou hast taught me from my youth even until now: therefore will I tell of thy wondrous works,
[18]Now also whenH5704 I am oldH2209 and grayheadedH7872, O GodH430, forsakeH5800[H8799] me not; until I have shewedH5046[H8686] thy strengthH2220 unto this generationH1755, and thy powerH1369 to every one that is to comeH935.[H8799] [18]Yea, even unto mine old age and gray head, O God: forsake me not, until I have declared thine arm unto this generation, and thy power to all them, that shall come.
[19]Thy righteousnessH6666 also, O GodH430, is very highH4791, who hast doneH6213[H8804] great thingsH1419: O God, who is like unto theeH430! [19]And thy righteousness, O God, I will exalt on high: for thou hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!
[20]Thou, which hast shewedH7200[H8689] me greatH7227 and soreH7451 troublesH6869, shalt quickenH2421[H8762] me againH7725[H8799], and shalt bring me upH5927[H8686] againH7725[H8799] from the depthsH8415 of the earthH776. [20]Which hast showed me great troubles and adversities, but thou wilt return and revive me, and wilt come again, and take me up from the depth of the earth.
[21]Thou shalt increaseH7235[H8686] my greatnessH1420, and comfortH5162[H8762] me on every sideH5437.[H8735] [21]Thou wilt increase mine honor, and return and comfort me.
[22]I will also praiseH3034[H8686] thee with the psalteryH3627[H8676][H5035], even thy truthH571, O my GodH430: unto thee will I singH2167[H8762] with the harpH3658, O thou Holy OneH6918 of IsraelH3478. [22]Therefore will I praise thee for thy faithfulness, O God, upon instrument and viol: unto thee will I sing upon the harp, O Holy One of Israel.
[23]My lipsH8193 shall greatly rejoiceH7442[H8762] when I singH2167[H8762] unto thee; and my soulH5315, which thou hast redeemedH6299.[H8804] [23]My lips will rejoice when I sing unto thee, and my soul, which thou hast delivered.
[24]My tongueH3956 also shall talkH1897[H8799] of thy righteousnessH6666 all the dayH3117 long: for they are confoundedH954[H8804], for they are brought unto shameH2659[H8804], that seekH1245[H8764] my hurtH7451. [24]My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness daily: for they are confounded and brought unto shame, that seek mine hurt.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org