The Bishops' Bible (1568)
Peshitta NT (1905)
[1] O God, thou art become gracious vnto thy land: thou hast brought Iacob agayne home out of captiuitie [No book]
[2]Thou hast forgeuen the wickednes of thy people: and couered all their sinnes. Selah [No book]
[3]Thou hast taken away al thy displeasure: and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation [No book]
[4]Turne vs O God of our saluation: and let thyne anger ceasse from vs [No book]
[5]Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer? and wylt thou stretche out thy wrath from one generation to another [No book]
[6]Wylt thou not turne agayne and reuiue vs: that thy people may reioyce in thee [No book]
[7]Shew vs thy louing kindnes O God: and graunt vs thy saluation [No book]
[8]I wyll hearken what God the Lord saith: for he speaketh peace vnto his people & to his saintes, that they turne not agayne to folly [No book]
[9]For truely his saluation is nye them that feare him: insomuch that glory dwelleth in our earth [No book]
[10]Mercy and trueth are met together: righteousnes and peace haue kissed [eche other. [No book]
[11]Trueth shall bud out of the earth: and ryghteousnes shall looke downe from heauen [No book]
[12]Yea, God shall geue all that is good: and our earth shall geue her encrease [No book]
[13][Euery man] shall cause righteousnes to go before him: and he shall direct his steppes in the way [No book]
Source: studybible.org