The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Septuagint in English by Brenton
[Praise of a Song, by David.]
[1]He that dwellethH3427[H8802] in the secretH5643 place of the most HighH5945 shall abideH3885[H8698] under the shadowH6738 of the AlmightyH7706. [1]He that dwells in the help of the Highest, shall sojourn under the shelter of the God of heaven.
[2]I will sayH559[H8799] of the LORDH3068, He is my refugeH4268 and my fortressH4686: my GodH430; in him will I trustH982.[H8799] [2]He shall say to the Lord, Thou art my helper and my refuge: my God; I will hope in him.
[3]Surely he shall deliverH5337[H8686] thee from the snareH6341 of the fowlerH3353, and from the noisomeH1942 pestilenceH1698. [3]For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunters, from every troublesome matter.
[4]He shall coverH5526[H8686] thee with his feathersH84, and under his wingsH3671 shalt thou trustH2620[H8799]: his truthH571 shall be thy shieldH6793 and bucklerH5507. [4]He shall overshadow thee with his shoulders, and thou shalt trust under his wings: his truth shall cover thee with a shield.
[5]Thou shalt not be afraidH3372[H8799] for the terrorH6343 by nightH3915; nor for the arrowH2671 that fliethH5774[H8799] by dayH3119; [5]Thou shalt not be afraid of terror by night; nor of the arrow flying by day;
[6]Nor for the pestilenceH1698 that walkethH1980[H8799] in darknessH652; nor for the destructionH6986 that wastethH7736[H8799] at noondayH6672. [6]nor of the evil thing that walks in darkness; nor of calamity, and the evil spirit at noon-day.
[7]A thousandH505 shall fallH5307[H8799] at thy sideH6654, and ten thousandH7233 at thy right handH3225; but it shall not come nighH5066 theeH8799. [7]A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
[8]Only with thine eyesH5869 shalt thou beholdH5027[H8686] and seeH7200[H8799] the rewardH8011 of the wickedH7563. [8]Only with thine eyes shalt thou observe and see the reward of sinners.
[9]Because thou hast madeH7760[H8804] the LORDH3068, which is my refugeH4268, even the most HighH5945, thy habitationH4583; [9]For thou, O Lord, art my hope: thou, my soul, hast made the Most High thy refuge.
[10]There shall no evilH7451 befallH579[H8792] thee, neither shall any plagueH5061 come nighH7126[H8799] thy dwellingH168. [10]No evils shall come upon thee, and no scourge shall draw night to thy dwelling.
[11]For he shall give his angelsH4397 chargeH6680[H8762] over thee, to keepH8104[H8800] thee in all thy waysH1870. [11]For he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
[12]They shall bear thee upH5375[H8799] in their handsH3709, lest thou dashH5062[H8799] thy footH7272 against a stoneH68. [12]They shall bear thee up on their hands, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
[13]Thou shalt treadH1869[H8799] upon the lionH7826 and adderH6620: the young lionH3715 and the dragonH8577 shalt thou trample under feetH7429.[H8799] [13]Thou shalt tread on the asp and basilisk: and thou shalt trample on the lion and dragon.
[14]Because he hath set his loveH2836[H8804] upon me, therefore will I deliverH6403[H8762] him: I will set him on highH7682[H8762], because he hath knownH3045[H8804] my nameH8034. [14]For he has hoped in me, and I will deliver him: I will protect him, because he has known my name.
[15]He shall callH7121[H8799] upon me, and I will answerH6030[H8799] him: I will be with him in troubleH6869; I will deliverH2502[H8762] him, and honourH3513 himH8762. [15]He shall call upon me, and I will hearken to him: I am with him in affliction; and I will deliver him, and glorify him.
[16]With longH753 lifeH3117 will I satisfyH7646[H8686] him, and shewH7200[H8686] him my salvationH3444. [16]I will satisfy him with length of days, and shew him my salvation.
Source: studybible.info
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com