The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]The LORDH3068 reignethH4427[H8804]; let the peopleH5971 trembleH7264[H8799]: he sittethH3427[H8802] between the cherubimsH3742; let the earthH776 be movedH5120.[H8799] [1]The Lord reigneth, let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims, let the earth be moved.
[2]The LORDH3068 is greatH1419 in ZionH6726; and he is highH7311[H8804] above all the peopleH5971. [2]The Lord is great in Zion, and he is high above all the people.
[3]Let them praiseH3034[H8686] thy greatH1419 and terribleH3372[H8737] nameH8034; for it is holyH6918. [3]They shall praise thy great and fearful name ( for it is holy)
[4]The king'sH4428 strengthH5797 also lovethH157[H8804] judgmentH4941; thou dost establishH3559[H8790] equityH4339, thou executestH6213[H8804] judgmentH4941 and righteousnessH6666 in JacobH3290. [4]And the king's power, that loveth judgment: for thou hast prepared equity: thou hast executed judgment and justice in Jacob.
[5]ExaltH7311[H8786] ye the LORDH3068 our GodH430, and worshipH7812[H8690] at his footstoolH7272[H1916]; for he is holyH6918. [5]Exalt the Lord our God, and fall down before his footstool: for he is holy.
[6]MosesH4872 and AaronH175 among his priestsH3548, and SamuelH8050 among them that callH7121[H8802] upon his nameH8034; they calledH7121[H8802] upon the LORDH3068, and he answeredH6030 themH8799. [6]Moses and Aaron were among his priests, and Samuel among such as call upon his Name: these called upon the Lord, and he heard them.
[7]He spakeH1696[H8762] unto them in the cloudyH6051 pillarH5982: they keptH8104[H8804] his testimoniesH5713, and the ordinanceH2706 that he gaveH5414 themH8804. [7]He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the Law that he gave them.
[8]Thou answeredstH6030[H8804] them, O LORDH3068 our GodH430: thou wast a GodH410 that forgavestH5375[H8802] them, though thou tookest vengeanceH5358[H8802] of their inventionsH5949. [8]Thou heardest them, O Lord our God: thou wast a favorable God unto them, though thou didst take vengeance for their inventions.
[9]ExaltH7311[H8786] the LORDH3068 our GodH430, and worshipH7812[H8690] at his holyH6944 hillH2022; for the LORDH3068 our GodH430 is holyH6918. [9]Exalt the Lord our God, and fall down before his holy mountain: for the Lord our God is holy.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org