The King James Version (w/Strong's)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]The RevelationG602 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547, whichG3739 GodG2316 gaveG1325[G5656] unto himG846, to shewG1166[G5658] unto hisG846 servantsG1401 things whichG3739 mustG1163[G5748] shortlyG1722[G5034] come to passG1096[G5635]; andG2532 he sentG649[G5660] and signifiedG4591[G5656] it byG1223 hisG846 angelG32 unto hisG846 servantG1401 JohnG2491: [1]THE Revelation of Jeshu Meshiha, which Aloha gave unto him, to show unto his servants the things which must be done speedily; and which he made known, sending by his angel unto his servant Juhanon,
[2]WhoG3739 bare recordG3140[G5656] of the wordG3056 of GodG2316, andG2532 of the testimonyG3141 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547, andG5037 of all thingsG3745 that he sawG1492.[G5627] [2]Who attested the word of Aloha and the testimony of Jeshu Meshiha, and all which he beheld.
[3]BlessedG3107 is he that readethG314[G5723], andG2532 they that hearG191[G5723] the wordsG3056 of this prophecyG4394, andG2532 keepG5083[G5723] those things which are writtenG1125[G5772] thereinG1722[G846]: forG1063 the timeG2540 is at handG1451. [3]Blessed is he who readeth, and they who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those which are written therein; for the time hath approached.
[4]JohnG2491 to the sevenG2033 churchesG1577 whichG3588 are inG1722 AsiaG773: GraceG5485 be unto youG5213, andG2532 peaceG1515, fromG575 him whichG3588 isG5607[G5752][G5625][G3801], andG2532 whichG3588 wasG2258[G5713][G5625][G3801], andG2532 whichG3588 is to comeG2064[G5740][G5625][G3801]; andG2532 fromG575 the sevenG2033 SpiritsG4151 whichG3739 areG2076[G5748] beforeG1799 hisG846 throneG2362; [4]Juhanon to the seven churches which are in Asia: grace to you and peace from him who is, and who was, and who cometh; from the seven Spirits who are before his throne;
[5]AndG2532 fromG575 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, who is the faithfulG4103 witnessG3144, and the first begottenG4416 ofG1537 the deadG3498, andG2532 the princeG758 of the kingsG935 of the earthG1093. Unto him that lovedG25[G5660] usG2248, andG2532 washedG3068[G5660] usG2248 fromG575 ourG2257 sinsG266 inG1722 his ownG846 bloodG129, [5]And from Jeshu Meshiha who is the faithful Witness, the First-born of the dead, and Head of the kings of the earth, who hath loved us, and released us from our sins by his blood,
[6]AndG2532 hath madeG4160[G5656] usG2248 kingsG935 andG2532 priestsG2409 unto GodG2316 andG2532 hisG846 FatherG3962; to himG846 be gloryG1391 andG2532 dominionG2904 forG1519 everG165 and everG165. AmenG281. [6]And hath made us a priestly kingdom unto Aloha and his Father; to whom be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
[7]BeholdG2400[G5628], he comethG2064[G5736] withG3326 cloudsG3507; andG2532 everyG3956 eyeG3788 shall seeG3700[G5695] himG846, andG2532 they also whichG3748 piercedG1574[G5656] himG846: andG2532 allG3956 kindredsG5443 of the earthG1093 shall wailG2875[G5695] becauseG1909 of himG846. Even soG3483, AmenG281. [7]Behold, he cometh with clouds, and all eyes shall see him, and they also who transfixed him; and for him shall mourn all the tribes of the earth. Yes, Amen!
[8]IG1473 amG1510[G5748] AlphaG1 andG2532 OmegaG5598, the beginningG746 andG2532 the endingG5056, saithG3004[G5719] the LordG2962, whichG3588 isG5607[G5752][G5625][G3801], andG2532 whichG3588 wasG2258[G5713][G5625][G3801], andG2532 whichG3588 is to comeG2064[G5740][G5625][G3801], the AlmightyG3841. [8]I am Olaph and Thau, saith Aloha the Lord, who is, and who was, and who cometh, the Omnipotent.
[9]IG1473 JohnG2491, whoG3588 alsoG2532 am yourG5216 brotherG80, andG2532 companionG4791 inG1722 tribulationG2347, andG2532 inG1722 the kingdomG932 andG2532 patienceG5281 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547, wasG1096[G5633] inG1722 the isleG3520 that is calledG2564[G5746] PatmosG3963, forG1223 the wordG3056 of GodG2316, andG2532 forG1223 the testimonyG3141 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547. [9]I, Juhanon your brother, and your fellow-sharer in the affliction, and in the patience, which are in Jeshu Meshiha, was in the island which is called Pathamon, for the word of Aloha and for the testimony of Jeshu Meshiha.
[10]I wasG1096[G5633] inG1722 the SpiritG4151 onG1722 the Lord'sG2960 dayG2250, andG2532 heardG191[G5656] behindG3694 meG3450 a greatG3173 voiceG5456, asG5613 of a trumpetG4536, [10]I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day; and I heard behind me a great voice as a trumpet, saying,
[11]SayingG3004[G5723], IG1473 amG1510[G5748] AlphaG1 andG2532 OmegaG5598, the firstG4413 andG2532 the lastG2078: andG2532, WhatG3739 thou seestG991[G5719], writeG1125[G5657] inG1519 a bookG975, andG2532 sendG3992[G5657] it unto the sevenG2033 churchesG1577 whichG3588 are inG1722 AsiaG773; untoG1519 EphesusG2181, andG2532 untoG1519 SmyrnaG4667, andG2532 untoG1519 PergamosG4010, andG2532 untoG1519 ThyatiraG2363, andG2532 untoG1519 SardisG4554, andG2532 untoG1519 PhiladelphiaG5359, andG2532 untoG1519 LaodiceaG2993. [11]What thou seest, write in a book; and send to the seven churches, at Ephesos, and at Smurna, and at Pergamos, and at Thiatira, and at Sardis, and at Philidaphia, and at Laodikia.
[12]AndG2532 I turnedG1994[G5656] to seeG991[G5721] the voiceG5456 thatG3748 spakeG2980[G5656] withG3326 meG1700. AndG2532 being turnedG1994[G5660], I sawG1492[G5627] sevenG2033 goldenG5552 candlesticksG3087; [12]And I turned to see the voice that spake with me; and being turned, I saw seven candlesticks of gold.
[13]AndG2532 inG1722 the midstG3319 of the sevenG2033 candlesticksG3087 one likeG3664 unto the SonG5207 of manG444, clothed with a garmentG1746[G5765] down to the footG4158, andG2532 girtG4024[G5772] aboutG4314 the papsG3149 with a goldenG5552 girdleG2223. [13]And in the midst of the candlesticks [one] who was like the Son of man, clothed to the foot, and girded about his paps with a circlet of gold.
[14][G1161]HisG846 headG2776 andG2532 his hairsG2359 were whiteG3022 likeG5616 woolG2053, as whiteG3022 asG5613 snowG5510; andG2532 hisG846 eyesG3788 were asG5613 a flameG5395 of fireG4442; [14]But his head and hair were white as wool, white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire,
[15]AndG2532 hisG846 feetG4228 likeG3664 unto fine brassG5474, asG5613 if they burnedG4448[G5772] inG1722 a furnaceG2575; andG2532 hisG846 voiceG5456 asG5613 the soundG5456 of manyG4183 watersG5204. [15]And his feet were like refined brass, which flamed as in a furnace, and his voice as the voice of many waters.
[16]AndG2532 he hadG2192[G5723] inG1722 hisG846 rightG1188 handG5495 sevenG2033 starsG792: andG2532 out ofG1537 hisG846 mouthG4750 wentG1607[G5740] a sharpG3691 twoedgedG1366 swordG4501: andG2532 hisG846 countenanceG3799 was asG5613 the sunG2246 shinethG5316[G5719] inG1722 hisG846 strengthG1411. [16]And he had in his right hand seven stars; and from his mouth a sharp sword of two edges went forth; and his countenance was as the sun shining in his strength.
[17]AndG2532 whenG3753 I sawG1492[G5627] himG846, I fellG4098[G5627] atG4314 hisG846 feetG4228 asG5613 deadG3498. AndG2532 he laidG2007[G5656] hisG846 rightG1188 handG5495 uponG1909 meG1691, sayingG3004[G5723] unto meG3427, FearG5399[G5737] notG3361; IG1473 amG1510[G5748] the firstG4413 andG2532 the lastG2078: [17]And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid upon me his right hand, saying, Fear not: I am the First and the Last;
[18][G2532]I am he that livethG2198[G5723], andG2532 wasG1096[G5633] deadG3498; andG2532, beholdG2400[G5628], I amG1510[G5748] aliveG2198[G5723] forG1519 evermoreG165[G165], AmenG281; andG2532 haveG2192[G5719] the keysG2807 of hellG86 andG2532 of deathG2288. [18]And who liveth and who have been dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever and ever. Amen! And I have the keys of death and of Sheul.
[19]WriteG1125[G5657] the things whichG3739 thou hast seenG1492[G5627], andG2532 the things whichG3739 areG1526[G5748], andG2532 the things whichG3739 shallG3195[G5719] beG1096[G5738] G3326hereafterG5023 [19]Write, then, what thou hast seen; and those which are, and those which are to be after them.
[20]The mysteryG3466 of the sevenG2033 starsG792 whichG3739 thou sawestG1492[G5627] inG1909 myG3450 right handG1188, andG2532 the sevenG2033 goldenG5552 candlesticksG3087. The sevenG2033 starsG792 areG1526[G5748] the angelsG32 of the sevenG2033 churchesG1577: andG2532 the sevenG2033 candlesticksG3087 whichG3739 thou sawestG1492[G5627] areG1526[G5748] the sevenG2033 churchesG1577. [20](This is) the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and of the seven candlesticks of gold: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks are the seven churches.
[1:4] D'othe.
[1:5] Sharo, solvit.
[1:6] Malkutho koknoitho, regnum sacerdotale.
[1:7] Dadaqruhi.
[1:8] Lit. Achid kul, The holder or upholder of all. So throughout.
[1:10] Yaumo moronoio.
[1:11] Thus spelt in the Syriac copies.
[1:15] Nechosho Lebanonoio.
Source: studybible.info
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info