Peshitta NT (literal)
The Muratorian Canon
[1]The revelation of Ieshu The Messiah that gave to Him Alaha to show His servants what had been given to occur soon and He symbolized when He sent by His angel to His servant Yokhanan [No book]
[2]He who witnessed the word of Alaha and the testimony of Ieshu The Messiah all whatever he saw [No book]
[3]His blessing to the one who reads and to those who hear the words of prophecy this and they keep those things that are written in it the time for is near [No book]
[4]Yokhanan to seven assemblies that in Asia grace to you and peace from Him Who is and been has and is coming and from seven The Spirits those Who are before His throne [No book]
[5]And from Ieshu The Messiah The Witness trustworthy The First Born of the dead and The Ruler of the kings of The Earth Him Who loves us and has loosed us from our sins by His blood [No book]
[6]And He has made us the kingdom priestly to Alaha and His father and to Him glory and political power to the eternity of eternities truly [No book]
[7]Behold He comes with clouds and shall see Him every eye and also those who pierced Him and they shall mourn for Him all the families of The Earth Yes and Amen [No book]
[8]I Alap and Tau says the Lord Alaha He Who is and been He has and He is coming He Who holds all [No book]
[9]I Yokhanan am your brother and son your companion in suffering and in the patience which is in Ieshu I was in the island that is called Patmos because of the word of Alaha and because of the testimony of Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[10]And I was in spirit in the day first of the week and I heard from behind me a voice great like a trumpet [No book]
[11]Which said those things which you have seen write in a book and send to seven assemblies to Ephesus and to Zmurna and to Pergamos and to Thautyra and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Ladiqia [No book]
[12]And I turned to know voice that which spoke with me and when I turned around I saw seven menorahs of gold [No book]
[13]And in the midst of the menorahs as the likeness of a son of man and he wore an ephod and was girded around His chest a wrap golden [No book]
[14]His head but and His hair was white as wool and like snow and His eyes like flames of fire [No book]
[15]And His feet in the likeness of brass of Lebanon which is heated in a furnace and His voice as the sound of waters many [No book]
[16]And there is to Him in His hand of the right seven stars and from His mouth proceeded a lance sharp and I saw Him as the sun appearing in its strength [No book]
[17]And when I saw Him I fell at His feet as a dead man and He laid on me His hand that is the right saying not be afraid for I am The First and The Last [No book]
[18]And He Who lived and He Who died I am and behold alive I am to the eternity of eternities truly and is to me the key of Death and of Sheol [No book]
[19]Write therefore whatever you have seen and those that are and are going to be after these things [No book]
[20]The mystery of seven stars those which you saw on My right hand and seven menorahs seven stars messengers of seven assemblies are and the menorahs seven of gold those which you saw seven are assemblies [No book]
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/muratorian.html