Westcott/Hort Greek NT (1881)
Young's Literal Translation
[1]και ειδον αλλον αγγελον ισχυρον καταβαινοντα εκ του ουρανου περιβεβλημενον νεφελην και η ιρις επι την κεφαλην της κεφαλης αυτου και το προσωπον αυτου ως ο ηλιος και οι ποδες αυτου ως στυλοι πυρος [1]And I saw another strong messenger coming down out of the heaven, arrayed with a cloud, and a rainbow upon the head, and his face as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire,
[2]και εχων εν τη χειρι αυτου βιβλαριδιον ηνεωγμενον και εθηκεν τον ποδα αυτου τον δεξιον επι της θαλασσης τον δε ευωνυμον επι της γης [2]and he had in his hand a little scroll opened, and he did place his right foot upon the sea, and the left upon the land,
[3]και εκραξεν φωνη μεγαλη ωσπερ λεων μυκαται και οτε εκραξεν ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται τας εαυτων φωνας [3]and he cried with a great voice, as a lion doth roar, and when he cried, speak out did the seven thunders their voices;
[4]και οτε ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται ημελλον γραφειν και ηκουσα φωνην εκ του ουρανου λεγουσαν σφραγισον α ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται και μη αυτα γραψης [4]and when the seven thunders spake their voices, I was about to write, and I heard a voice out of the heaven saying to me, `Seal the things that the seven thunders spake,' and, `Thou mayest not write these things.'
[5]και ο αγγελος ον ειδον εστωτα επι της θαλασσης και επι της γης ηρεν την χειρα αυτου την δεξιαν εις τον ουρανον [5]And the messenger whom I saw standing upon the sea, and upon the land, did lift up his hand to the heaven,
[6]και ωμοσεν εν τω ζωντι εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων ος εκτισεν τον ουρανον και τα εν αυτω και την γην και τα εν αυτη [και και την θαλασσαν και τα εν αυτη] αυτη οτι χρονος ουκετι εσται [6]and did swear in Him who doth live to the ages of the ages, who did create the heaven and the things in it, and the land and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it -- that time shall not be yet,
[7]αλλ εν ταις ημεραις της φωνης του εβδομου αγγελου οταν μελλη σαλπιζειν και ετελεσθη το μυστηριον του θεου ως ευηγγελισεν τους εαυτου δουλους τους προφητας [7]but in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he may be about to sound, and the secret of God may be finished, as He did declare to His own servants, to the prophets.
[8]και η φωνη ην ηκουσα εκ του ουρανου παλιν λαλουσαν μετ εμου και λεγουσαν υπαγε λαβε το βιβλιον το ηνεωγμενον εν τη χειρι του αγγελου του εστωτος επι της θαλασσης και επι της γης [8]And the voice that I heard out of the heaven is again speaking with me, and saying, `Go, take the little scroll that is open in the hand of the messenger who hath been standing upon the sea, and upon the land:'
[9]και απηλθα προς τον αγγελον λεγων αυτω δουναι μοι το βιβλαριδιον και λεγει μοι λαβε και καταφαγε αυτο και πικρανει σου την κοιλιαν αλλ εν τω στοματι σου εσται γλυκυ ως μελι [9]and I went away unto the messenger, saying to him, `Give me the little scroll;' and he saith to me, `Take, and eat it up, and it shall make thy belly bitter, but in thy mouth it shall be sweet -- as honey.'
[10]και ελαβον το βιβλαριδιον εκ της χειρος του αγγελου και κατεφαγον αυτο και ην εν τω στοματι μου ως μελι γλυκυ και οτε εφαγον αυτο επικρανθη η κοιλια μου [10]And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the messenger, and did eat it up, and it was in my mouth as honey -- sweet, and when I did eat it -- my belly was made bitter;
[11]και λεγουσιν μοι δει σε παλιν προφητευσαι επι λαοις και εθνεσιν και γλωσσαις και βασιλευσιν πολλοις [11]and he saith to me, `It behoveth thee again to prophesy about peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings -- many.'
Author: Brooke Foss Westcott (1825–1901), Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828–1892)
Source: www.unboundbible.org

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