Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Epistle to the Laodiceans (Latin)
[1]And a greet signe apperide in heuene; a womman clothid with the sunne, and the moone vndur hir feet, and in the heed of hir a coroun of twelue sterris. [No book]
[2]And sche hadde in wombe, and sche crieth, trauelynge of child, and is turmentid, that sche bere child. [No book]
[3]And another signe was seyn in heuene; and lo! a greet reede dragoun, that hadde seuene heedis, and ten hornes, and in the heedis of hym seuene diademes. [No book]
[4]And the tail of hym drow the thridde part of sterris of heuene, and sente hem in to the erthe. And the dragoun stood bifore the womman, that was to berynge child, that whanne sche hadde borun child, he schulde deuoure hir sone. [No book]
[5]And sche bar a knaue child, that was to reulinge alle folkis in an yrun yerde; and hir sone was rauyschid to God, and to his trone. [No book]
[6]And the womman flei in to wildirnesse, where sche hath a place maad redi of God, that he fede hir there a thousynde daies two hundrid and sixti. [No book]
[7]And a greet batel was maad in heuene, and Myyhel and hise aungels fouyten with the dragoun. And the dragoun fauyt, and hise aungels; [No book]
[8]and thei hadden not myyt, nether the place of hem was foundun more in heuene. [No book]
[9]And thilke dragoun was cast doun, the greet elde serpent, that is clepid the Deuel, and Sathanas, that disseyueth al the world; he was cast doun in to the erthe, and hise aungels weren sent with hym. [No book]
[10]And Y herde a greet vois in heuene, seiynge, Now is maad helthe, and vertu, and kyngdom of oure God, and the power of his Crist; for the accuser of oure britheren is cast doun, which accuside hem bifor the siyte of oure God dai and nyyt. [No book]
[11]And thei ouercamen hym for the blood of the lomb, and for the word of his witnessing; and thei louyden not her lyues til to deth. [No book]
[12]Therfor, ye heuenes, be ye glad, and ye that dwellen in hem. Wo to the erthe, and to the see; for the fend is come doun to you, and hath greet wraththe, witynge that he hath litil tyme. [No book]
[13]And after that the dragoun sai, that he was cast doun to the erthe, he pursuede the womman, that bare the knaue child. [No book]
[14]And twei wengis of a greet egle weren youun to the womman, that sche schulde flee in to deseert, in to hir place, where sche is fed by tyme, and tymes, and half a tyme, fro the face of the serpent. [No book]
[15]And the serpent sente out of his mouth aftir the womman watir as a flood, that he schulde make hir to be drawun of the flood. [No book]
[16]And the erthe helpide the womman, and the erthe openyde his mouth, and soop up the flood, that the dragoun sente of his mouth. [No book]
[17]And the dragoun was wrooth ayens the womman, and he wente to make batel with othere of hir seed, that kepen the maundementis of God, and han the witnessing of Jhesu Crist. [No book]
[18]And he stood on the grauel of the see. [No book]
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)