Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (literal)
[1]And I saw and behold The Lamb standing on The Mount of Tshion and with Him 100 and 40 and 4 1000's who have upon them His Name and The Name of His Father written on between their eyes [1]And I saw and behold The Lamb standing on The Mount of Tshion and with Him 100 and 40 and 4 1000's who have upon them His Name and The Name of His Father written on between their eyes
[2]And I heard a sound from Heaven as the sound of waters many and as the sound of thunder great a sound which I heard as a harpist playing on his harp [2]And I heard a sound from Heaven as the sound of waters many and as the sound of thunder great a sound which I heard as a harpist playing on his harp
[3]And they sang as a hymn of praise new before The Throne and before four The Beasts and before The Elders and not a man was able to learn the hymn but only one hundred and forty and four thousand redeemed from The Earth [3]And they sang as a hymn of praise new before The Throne and before four The Beasts and before The Elders and not a man was able to learn the hymn but only one hundred and forty and four thousand redeemed from The Earth
[4]These are those who with women not have been defiled virgins for they are these who cleave to The Lamb every where that He goes these were redeemed from men the first fruits to Alaha and to The Lamb [4]These are those who with women not have been defiled virgins for they are these who cleave to The Lamb every where that He goes these were redeemed from men the first fruits to Alaha and to The Lamb
[5]For in their mouths not is found falsehood without fault for they are [5]For in their mouths not is found falsehood without fault for they are
[6]And I saw another angel flying in the midst of Heaven and had he with him the Good News eternal to preach unto dwellers Earth and unto all people and nations and generations and languages [6]And I saw another angel flying in the midst of Heaven and had he with him the Good News eternal to preach unto dwellers Earth and unto all people and nations and generations and languages
[7]Saying in a voice great stand in awe of Alaha and give Him glory because has come the hour of His judgment and worship Him Who made the heavens and The Earth and the sea and the springs of water [7]Saying in a voice great stand in awe of Alaha and give Him glory because has come the hour of His judgment and worship Him Who made the heavens and The Earth and the sea and the springs of water
[8]Another second following was him and said fallen fallen Babylon The Great which from the passion of her fornication she gave to drink all the nations [8]Another second following was him and said fallen fallen Babylon The Great which from the passion of her fornication she gave to drink all the nations
[9]Another angel third followed them saying in a voice great whoever worshipped The Beast and its image and received its mark between his eyes [9]Another angel third followed them saying in a voice great whoever worshipped The Beast and its image and received its mark between his eyes
[10]Also he will drink from the wine of the passion of the Lord which is mixed without dilution in the cup of His rage and he will be tormented by fire and brimstone before the angels holy and before The Lamb [10]Also he will drink from the wine of the passion of the Lord which is mixed without dilution in the cup of His rage and he will be tormented by fire and brimstone before the angels holy and before The Lamb
[11]And the smoke of their torment to eternity of eternities ascends and there is not for them rest day and night those who worship The Beast and its Image and to him who takes the mark of its name [11]And the smoke of their torment to eternity of eternities ascends and there is not for them rest day and night those who worship The Beast and its Image and to him who takes the mark of its name
[12]Here is the patience of the holy ones those who keep the commands of Alaha and the faith of Ieshu [12]Here is the patience of the holy ones those who keep the commands of Alaha and the faith of Ieshu
[13]And I heard a voice from Heaven that said write their blessings to the dead those who have departed in our Lord from now Yes says The Spirit because they rest from their labors [13]And I heard a voice from Heaven that said write their blessings to the dead those who have departed in our Lord from now Yes says The Spirit because they rest from their labors
[14]And behold a cloud white and upon the cloud sat the likeness of a man and is to him on his head a crown of gold and in his hand a sickle sharp [14]And behold a cloud white and upon the cloud sat the likeness of a man and is to him on his head a crown of gold and in his hand a sickle sharp
[15]And another angel went out from the temple and shouted in a voice great to him sitting on the cloud send your sickle and reap because has come the hour to reap [15]And another angel went out from the temple and shouted in a voice great to him sitting on the cloud send your sickle and reap because has come the hour to reap
[16]And thrusted he who sat on the cloud his sickle unto The Earth and was reaped The Earth [16]And thrusted he who sat on the cloud his sickle unto The Earth and was reaped The Earth
[17]Another angel went out from the temple which in Heaven and with him was a sickle sharp [17]Another angel went out from the temple which in Heaven and with him was a sickle sharp
[18]Another angel went out from the altar who had to him authority over fire and he shouted in a voice great to him having with him the sickle sharp send you your sickle sharp and gather the clusters of the vineyards of The Earth because are large its grapes [18]Another angel went out from the altar who had to him authority over fire and he shouted in a voice great to him having with him the sickle sharp send you your sickle sharp and gather the clusters of the vineyards of The Earth because are large its grapes
[19]And thrust the angel his sickle unto The Earth and he gathered the vines of The Earth and cast into the winepress great of the passion of Alaha [19]And thrust the angel his sickle unto The Earth and he gathered the vines of The Earth and cast into the winepress great of the passion of Alaha
[20]And was trodden the winepress outside from the city and came out blood from the winepress unto the bridle of horses for 1000 and 200 stadia [20]And was trodden the winepress outside from the city and came out blood from the winepress unto the bridle of horses for 1000 and 200 stadia