[1]AndG2532 I heardG191[G5656] a greatG3173 voiceG5456 out ofG1537 the templeG3485 sayingG3004[G5723] to the sevenG2033 angelsG32, Go your waysG5217[G5720], andG2532 pour outG1632[G5657] the vialsG5357 of the wrathG2372 of GodG2316 uponG1519 the earthG1093. |
[1]AND I heard a great voiceⓘ saying to the seven angels, Go, and pour forth the seven vials of the wrath of Aloha upon the earth. |
[2]AndG2532 the firstG4413 wentG565[G5627], andG2532 poured outG1632[G5656] hisG846 vialG5357 uponG1909 the earthG1093; andG2532 there fellG1096[G5633] a noisomeG2556 andG2532 grievousG4190 soreG1668 uponG1519 the menG444 whichG3588 hadG2192[G5723] the markG5480 of the beastG2342, andG2532 upon them which worshippedG4352[G5723] hisG846 imageG1504. |
[2]And the first went, and poured his vial upon the earth: and there became an ulcer, evil and painful, upon the men who had the mark of the beast of prey, and who worshipped the image of him. |
[3]AndG2532 the secondG1208 angelG32 poured outG1632[G5656] hisG846 vialG5357 uponG1519 the seaG2281; andG2532 it becameG1096[G5633] asG5613 the bloodG129 of a deadG3498 man: andG2532 everyG3956 livingG2198[G5723] soulG5590 diedG599[G5627] inG1722 the seaG2281. |
[3]And the second angel poured his vial upon the sea; and it became blood as of the dead, and every living soul died which was in the sea. |
[4]AndG2532 the thirdG5154 angelG32 poured outG1632[G5656] hisG846 vialG5357 uponG1519 the riversG4215 andG2532[G1519] fountainsG4077 of watersG5204; andG2532 they becameG1096[G5633] bloodG129. |
[4]And the third angel poured his vial upon the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters, and they became blood. |
[5]AndG2532 I heardG191[G5656] the angelG32 of the watersG5204 sayG3004[G5723], Thou artG1488[G5748] righteousG1342, O LordG2962, whichG3588 artG5607[G5752][G5625][G3801], andG2532 wastG2258[G5713][G5625][G3801], andG2532 shalt beG3741[G5706][G5625][G3801], becauseG3754 thou hast judgedG2919[G5656] thusG5023. |
[5]And I heard the angel of the waters saying, righteous art Thou, who art, and who wast, and just; because thou hast judged these. |
[6]ForG3754 they have shedG1632[G5656] the bloodG129 of saintsG40 andG2532 prophetsG4396, andG2532 thou hast givenG1325[G5656] themG846 bloodG129 to drinkG4095[G5629]; forG1063 they areG1526[G5748] worthyG514. |
[6]For the blood of saints and of prophets have they shed, and blood to them hast thou given to drink for they are worthy. |
[7]AndG2532 I heardG191[G5656] anotherG243 out ofG1537 the altarG2379 sayG3004[G5723], Even soG3483, LordG2962 GodG2316 AlmightyG3841, trueG228 andG2532 righteousG1342 are thyG4675 judgmentsG2920. |
[7]And I heard from the altar [voices] saying, Yes, Lord God Almighty! True and just is thy judgment. |
[8]AndG2532 the fourthG5067 angelG32 poured outG1632[G5656] hisG846 vialG5357 uponG1909 the sunG2246; andG2532 power was givenG1325[G5681] unto himG846 to scorchG2739[G5658] menG444 withG1722 fireG4442. |
[8]And the fourth poured out his vial upon the sun, and it was given to him to scorch men with fire; |
[9]AndG2532 menG444 were scorchedG2739[G5681] with greatG3173 heatG2738, andG2532 blasphemedG987[G5656] the nameG3686 of GodG2316, whichG3588 hathG2192[G5723] powerG1849 overG1909 theseG5025 plaguesG4127: andG2532 they repentedG3340[G5656] notG3756 to giveG1325[G5629] himG846 gloryG1391. |
[9]And men were scorched with great heat; and men blasphemed the name of Aloha who hath power over these plagues; and they repented not to give him glory. |
[10]AndG2532 the fifthG3991 angelG32 poured outG1632[G5656] hisG846 vialG5357 uponG1909 the seatG2362 of the beastG2342; andG2532 hisG846 kingdomG932 wasG1096[G5633] full of darknessG4656[G5772]; andG2532 they gnawedG3145[G5711] theirG846 tonguesG1100 forG1537 painG4192, |
[10]And the fifth poured his vial upon the throne of the beast of prey; and his kingdom became darkness, and they gnawed their tongues from pain; |
[11]AndG2532 blasphemedG987[G5656] the GodG2316 of heavenG3772 because ofG1537 theirG846 painsG4192 andG2532[G1537] theirG846 soresG1668, andG2532 repentedG3340[G5656] notG3756 ofG1537 theirG846 deedsG2041. |
[11]And they blasphemed the God of heaven from their pains, and from their ulcers, and repented not of their works. |
[12]AndG2532 the sixthG1623 angelG32 poured outG1632[G5656] hisG846 vialG5357 uponG1909 the greatG3173 riverG4215 EuphratesG2166; andG2532 the waterG5204 thereofG846 was dried upG3583[G5681], thatG2443 the wayG3598 of the kingsG935 ofG575 the eastG395[G2246] might be preparedG2090.[G5686] |
[12]And the sixth poured his vial upon the great river Phrat, and his waters were dried, that might be prepared the way of the kings who [are] from the rising of the sun. |
[13]AndG2532 I sawG1492[G5627] threeG5140 uncleanG169 spiritsG4151 likeG3664 frogsG944 come out ofG1537 the mouthG4750 of the dragonG1404, andG2532 out ofG1537 the mouthG4750 of the beastG2342, andG2532 out ofG1537 the mouthG4750 of the false prophetG5578. |
[13]And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast of prey, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. |
[14]ForG1063 they areG1526[G5748] the spiritsG4151 of devilsG1142, workingG4160[G5723] miraclesG4592, which go forthG1607[G5738][G5625][G3739][G1607][G5736] untoG1909 the kingsG935 of the earthG1093 andG2532 of the wholeG3650 worldG3625, to gatherG4863[G5629] themG846 toG1519 the battleG4171 of thatG1565 greatG3173 dayG2250 of GodG2316 AlmightyG3841. |
[14]For they are spirits of demons, working signs; they go to the kings of the whole inhabited world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of Aloha the Omnipotent. |
[15]BeholdG2400[G5628], I comeG2064[G5736] asG5613 a thiefG2812. BlessedG3107 is he that watchethG1127[G5723], andG2532 keepethG5083[G5723] hisG846 garmentsG2440, lestG3363 he walkG4043[G5725] nakedG1131, andG2532 they seeG991[G5725] hisG846 shameG808. |
[15]And BEHOLD, I COME, as the thief. Blessed is he who watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest naked he walk, and they see his shame. |
[16]AndG2532 he gatheredG4863 themG846 togetherG4863[G5627] intoG1519 a placeG5117 calledG2564[G5746] in the Hebrew tongueG1447 ArmageddonG717. |
[16]And they gathered them to a place which is called in Hebrew Armagedon. |
[17]AndG2532 the seventhG1442 angelG32 poured outG1632[G5656] hisG846 vialG5357 intoG1519 the airG109; andG2532 there cameG1831[G5627] a greatG3173 voiceG5456 out ofG575 the templeG3485 of heavenG3772, fromG575 the throneG2362, sayingG3004[G5723], It is doneG1096.[G5754] |
[17]And the seventh poured his vial upon the air; and a great voice went forth from the temple, from the throne, saying, IT IS DONE. |
[18]AndG2532 there wereG1096[G5633] voicesG5456, andG2532 thundersG1027, andG2532 lightningsG796; andG2532 there wasG1096[G5633] a greatG3173 earthquakeG4578, such asG3634 wasG1096[G5633] notG3756 sinceG3739[G575] menG444 wereG1096[G5633] uponG1909 the earthG1093, so mightyG5082 an earthquakeG4578, and soG3779 greatG3173. |
[18]And there were lightnings and thunders and voices, and a great movement, such as was not since men were upon earth, as this movement so great. |
[19]AndG2532 the greatG3173 cityG4172 was dividedG1096[G5633] intoG1519 threeG5140 partsG3313, andG2532 the citiesG4172 of the nationsG1484 fellG4098[G5627]: andG2532 greatG3173 BabylonG897 came in remembranceG3415[G5681] beforeG1799 GodG2316, to giveG1325[G5629] unto herG846 the cupG4221 of the wineG3631 of the fiercenessG2372 of hisG846 wrathG3709. |
[19]And the great city became three parts, and the city of the nations fell; and Babel the great was remembered before Aloha, to give to her the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. |
[20]AndG2532 everyG3956 islandG3520 fled awayG5343[G5627], andG2532 the mountainsG3735 wereG2147 notG3756 foundG2147.[G5681] |
[20]And every island fled, and the mountains were not found. |
[21]AndG2532 there fellG2597[G5719] uponG1909 menG444 a greatG3173 hailG5464 out ofG1537 heavenG3772, every stone aboutG5613 the weight of a talentG5006: andG2532 menG444 blasphemedG987[G5656] GodG2316 because ofG1537 the plagueG4127 of the hailG5464; forG3754 the plagueG4127 thereofG846 wasG2076[G5748] exceedingG4970 greatG3173. |
[21]And great hail, as of a talent [in weight], was from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed Aloha from the plague of hail, because the plague thereof was exceeding great. |