[1]And I saw another angel from Heaven who had with Him the key of The Abyss and a chain great in his hand |
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[2]And he seized The Dragon The Serpent ancient that which is The Devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years |
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[3]And he cast him into The Abyss and shut and sealed the top of it that not again he would seduce all the nations after these years it is given to release him a little time |
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[4]And I saw seats and they sat upon them and judgment was given to them and souls these who were cut off for the testimony of Ieshu and for the word of Alaha and because these not worshipped The Beast neither its image nor received a mark on between their eyes or on their hands they lived and reigned with The Messiah 1000 years |
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[5]And this is the resurrection the first |
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[6]Blessed is he and holy whoever has to him part in the first resurrection and over these has not authority death the second but they shall be priests of Alaha and of The Messiah and they shall reign with Him 1000 years |
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[7]And whenever are finished 1000 years will be released Satan from his imprisonment |
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[8]And he will go forth to seduce all the nations in the four corners of The Earth Gog and Magog to gather them to war those whose number as the sand of the sea |
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[9]And they went to war upon an open place of The Earth and surrounded The City of the camp of the holy people and The City Beloved and descended fire from Heaven from Alaha and consumed them |
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[10]And The Devil their Seducer was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where The Beast and The Prophet False and they shall be tormented day and night to the eternity of eternities |
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[11]And I saw a throne great white and Him sitting at the top of it Him Whose from before His face fled Earth and Heaven and a place not was found for them |
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[12]And I saw the dead great and small who stood before the throne scrolls were opened and another scroll was opened which is of Judgment and were judged the dead from those things that are written in the scrolls according to their works |
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[13]And yielded the sea the dead who in it and Death and Sheol yielded the dead who were with them and was judged each one of them according to their works |
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[14]And Death and Sheol were cast into The Lake of Fire this that is Death The Second |
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[15]And whoever not was found who was inscribed in the book of Life was cast into The Lake of Fire |
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