Peshitta NT (literal)
The Gospel of Barnabas
[1]Paul a servant of Ieshu The Messiah called and an apostle who was separated to the Gospel of Alaha [No book]
[2]Which from the first He promised by His prophets in the scriptures holy [No book]
[3]About His Son He Who was begotten in the flesh from the seed of the house of David [No book]
[4]And was revealed The Son of Alaha in power and by The Spirit Holy Who arose from house of the dead Ieshu The Messiah our Lord [No book]
[5]For in Him we have received grace and apostleship in all the nations so that that they may obey the faith of His name [No book]
[6]For also you of them are called by Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[7]To all who are in Rome beloved of Alaha called and holy peace and grace with you from Alaha our Father and from our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[8]First thank I my Alaha in Ieshu The Messiah for all of you because your faith is heard in the whole world [No book]
[9]Calling to testify is me for Alaha that Him serve I in spirit in the Gospel of His Son that without ceasing in every time reminded I am of you in my prayers [No book]
[10]And seek favor I that if from now may be opened to me a way in the will of Alaha that I may come to you [No book]
[11]Because greatly have desired I to see you and to give to you a gift of The Spirit that in Him you may confirmed [No book]
[12]And together we will be comforted in faith yours and mine [No book]
[13]Want I but my brothers you to know that times many I have wanted to come to you and I was prohibited until now that also in you there may be for me fruit like that in others of the nations [No book]
[14]Greeks and Barbarians wise and ignorant for to every person owe a debt I to preach [No book]
[15]And so take pains I that also to you who are in Rome I may preach the Good News [No book]
[16]Not for ashamed I am of it of the Gospel because the power it is of Alaha for the salvation of all who believe in it whether of Judeans first or of Aramaeans [No book]
[17]The justice for of Alaha in it is revealed from faith to faith according to that which is written the just one from faith shall live [No book]
[18]Revealed is for the rage of Alaha from Heaven against all the evils and the wickedness of the children of men those who the truth in evil are holding [No book]
[19]Because a knowledge of Alaha revealed is to them Alaha for has revealed it to them [No book]
[20]The secrets for of Alaha from the foundation of the world to His creatures through intelligence are appearing and His power and His Alahahead eternal that they will be without ? a defense [No book]
[21]Because they knew to Alaha and not as to Alaha they glorified Him nor did they thank Him but they became destitute in their reasoning and became dull their heart without understanding [No book]
[22]And when they thought in themselves that wise they were became insane they [No book]
[23]And they changed His glory of Alaha Who is not corrupted into the likeness of the image of a son of man who is corrupted and into the likeness of birds and of four footed animals and of creeping things of the earth [No book]
[24]Because of this handed over them Alaha to desires vile of their heart to disgrace their bodies among themselves [No book]
[25]And they exchanged the truth of Alaha for lies and they revered and they served created things more than their Creator to Whom belong praises and blessings to the eternity of eternities Amen [No book]
[26]Because of this handed over them Alaha to diseases of disgrace their females for changed need their natural and with that which not is natural became accustomed [No book]
[27]And again also their males in this way they abandoned the need natural for females and were ravished with desire one for another even male for male disgrace they commited and a reward that is right there was for their error in their persons they received it [No book]
[28]And as because not they decided in themselves to know to Alaha handed over them Alaha to a mind of worthlessness so that they will be doing whatever not is appropriate [No book]
[29]When they are filled with every injustice and fornication and bitterness and wickedness and greed and envy and murder and contention and treachery and reasoning wicked [No book]
[30]And murmuring and slander and hating to Alaha insolent proud boasters inventors of evil lacking reason who their parents not do obey [No book]
[31]And because stability there is not to them neither love nor peace nor compassion is in them [No book]
[32]Those who while they know the judgment of Alaha that those who such as these things are committing to death are condemned not were only doing these things but also are attached to those who these things are doing [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com