Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]Every soul to the authority of greatness be subject there is not for authority that not has been from Alaha the same and those authorities who are from Alaha are under orders [1]LET every soul to the powers of dominion be subject. For there is no power that is not from Aloha, and the powers that be, of Aloha are they instituted.
[2]Whoever stands therefore against the authority against the commandments of Alaha stands and these who stand against them judgment shall receive [2]Whoever then riseth up against the power, against the institution of Aloha he riseth; and they who arise against them will receive judgment.
[3]Judges for not have been a fear to the doer good but to the wicked wish do you? therefore not to be afraid of the authority do good and praise will be to you from him [3]For judges are not a terror to the workers of good, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do good, and thou shalt have praise from him.
[4]The minister he is for of Alaha but to you for good and if evil have done you be afraid not it has been for in vain he wears a sword a minister he is for of Alaha and an avenger of rage to those who do evil [4]For he is the servant of Aloha, but to thee for good: and if thou do evil, fear; for not in vain is he girded with the sword; for he is the servant of Aloha, and the dispenser of wrath to them who do evil.
[5]And because of this it is urgent for us to be subject not due to the wrath only but also for conscience [5]And because of this are we bound to be subject, not for the wrath only, but also because of conscience.
[6]Because of this also money the head pay you the ministers they are for of Alaha because for these things that these are established [6]On this account also give we tribute to them; for they are the servants of Aloha over these things constituted.
[7]Reward therefore every person as it is owed to him to whomever money head money head and to whomever a tribute tax a tribute tax and to whomever reverence reverence and to whomever honor honor [7]Render therefore to every man as is due to him: to whom tribute [is due,] tribute; and to whom custom, custom; and to whom reverence, reverence; and to whom honour, honour.
[8]And to a person anything not you shall owe but one another to love whoever loves for his neighbor the Torah fulfills [8]And to no man owe any thing, but one another to love. For whoever loveth his neighbour fulfilleth the law:
[9]And also this for that says that not you shall commit adultery and not you shall murder and not you shall steal and not you shall covet and if there is commandment another in this saying it is consummated "you shall love" your neighbor as yourself [9]For that also which it hath said, Thou shalt not kill; and, Thou shalt not commit adultery; and, Thou shalt not steal; and, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, in this word it is accomplished, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
[10]Love to its neighbor evil not commits because love the fulfillment is of The Written Law [10]Love unto his neighbour evil worketh not: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
[11]And also this know that the time it is and the hour it is from now on to awake from our sleep now it is for has drawn near to us our Life more than when we believed [11]AND also this know, that the time is, and the hour is, when we should be awake from our sleep; for now hath drawn nearer to us our salvation than when we believed.
[12]The night from now on has passed and the day has arrived let us take off from us therefore the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light [12]The night now passeth away, and the day hath drawn nigh; put we away then from us the works of darkness, and let us clothe with the arms of light.
[13]And as those in the day in a right manner let us walk not in partying and not in drunkenness and not in orgies and not in envy in fighting [13]And as in the day, let us walk decorously, not with the song, nor with drunkenness, nor in the unclean chamber, nor in envy and in contention;
[14]But put on our Lord Ieshu The Messiah and not take you pains of your flesh for the lusts [14]But let [every one] clothe himself with our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and care not for your flesh unto the lusts [thereof].
[13:6] Lit. "head-silver."
[13:7] Lit. "head-silver."
[13:7] Lit. "head-silver."
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info