Peshitta NT (literal)
The Gospel of Barnabas
[1]To the one but who is weak in faith give to him the hand and not you shall be divided by your disputes [No book]
[2]There is for he who believes that everything he may eat and he who is weak vegetables he eats [No book]
[3]He but who eats him whoever not eats not let him despise and he whoever not eats him whoever eats not let him judge Alaha for has accepted him [No book]
[4]You who? are who judging are a servant who not is yours for if he stands to his master he stands and if he falls to his master he falls standing he but stands it has come for into the hand of his master to establish him [No book]
[5]There is one who distinguishes a day from a day and there is one who judges all of them days every person but in the mind of himself let be certain [No book]
[6]Whoever esteems whatever day to his Lord he esteems and everyone who not esteems whatever day to his Lord not esteems and the one who eats to his Lord he eats and to Alaha he gives thanks and he who not eats to his Lord not he eats and he gives thanks to Alaha [No book]
[7]There is not for a person of us who to himself he lives and there is not) tylw a person who to himself he dies [No book]
[8]Because that if we live to our Lord we live and if we die to our Lord it is we die whether we live therefore or if we die our Lord's we are [No book]
[9]For cause this also The Messiah died and lived again He arose that He would be the Lord to the dead and to the living [No book]
[10]You but why? judging are your brother or even you Why? despising are your brother all of us for we are going to stand before the judgment seat of The Messiah [No book]
[11]As that is written "As live I says the Lord to Me shall bow every knee and to Me shall swear every tongue [No book]
[12]So then every person of us an account for the sake of his soul gives to Alaha [No book]
[13]Not from now on let judge one another but this judge rather that a stumbling block for your brother not you will lay [No book]
[14]Know I for and persuaded I am by Lord Ieshu that a thing that is defiled before His Presence there is not but to the one who regards anything impure to him it is alone impure [No book]
[15]If but because of food grieve you your brother not it has been in love walking you are not you shall destroy by your food the one for whose sake died The Messiah [No book]
[16]And not let be insulted our good [No book]
[17]The kingdom for of Alaha not is eating and drinking but the righteousness and the peace and the joy in The Spirit of Holiness [No book]
[18]Whoever in these things for serves The Messiah is beautiful to Alaha and before children of men is approved [No book]
[19]Now after peace let us run and after building up one another [No book]
[20]And not because of food let us destroy a servant of Alaha everything for pure is but evil it is to the son of man who with a stumbing block eats [No book]
[21]Good it is that not we shall eat flesh neither we shall drink wine neither anything is subverted by which our brother [No book]
[22]You who have in you faith in your soul hold it before Alaha blessed is he whoever not judges his soul in the thing which he designates [No book]
[23]Whoever for is doubtful and eats is condemned to him because that one is not in faith every thing for that not has been from faith sin is [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com