[1]Entrust I to you but Phoebe our sister who is a servant of the church of Qenkraus |
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[2]That you accept her in our Lord as that is right for saints and in any matter that she seeks of you you will help her because that also she a helper was to many also to me |
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[3]Invoke the peace of Priscilla and of Aqilos laborers who are with me in Ieshu The Messiah |
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[4]For those same for the sake of myself their necks they yielded and not have been I alone thanking I them but also all the churches of the nations |
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[5]And give greetings to the church that is in their house invoke the peace of Epentos my beloved who is the first fruits of Akaia in The Messiah |
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[6]Invoke the peace of Maria who much has labored among you |
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[7]Invoke the peace of Androniqus and of Yunia or Junia my relatives who were captives with me and known were by the apostles and in The Messiah before me they were |
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[8]Invoke the peace of Amphilius beloved in our Lord |
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[9]Invoke the peace of Eurbanus a worker who with us in The Messiah and Estakus my beloved |
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[10]Invoke the peace of Appela chosen in our Lord invoke the peace of the members in the house of Aristobulus |
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[11]Invoke the peace of Herodion my relatives invoke the peace of the members of the house of Narqisus those who are in our Lord |
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[12]Invoke the peace of Trupana and of Trupsa who labored in our Lord invoke the peace of Persis my beloved who much labored in our Lord |
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[13]Invoke the peace of Ruphus chosen in our Lord and of his mother his and mine |
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[14]Invoke the peace of Asunqritus and of Plagon and of the brothers who are with them and of Harma and of Petroba and of Harme |
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[15]Invoke the peace of Pillagus and of Julia and of Nereus and of his sister and of Alumpa and of all the saints with them |
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[16]Invoke the peace one of another with a kiss holy invoke your peace all churches of The Messiah |
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[17]I beg but of you my brethren to beware of those who division and subversion are causing outside of the doctrine which you have learned that you should stay away to you from them |
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[18]Those for who such are not are serving our Lord Ieshu The Messiah but their belly and with words sweet and with blessings deceive the hearts of the pure |
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[19]Your loyalty but yours to every person has been made known rejoice I therefore in you and desire I that you would be wise toward what is good and innocent toward what is evil |
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[20]The Alaha but of peace shall crush soon Satan under your feet the grace of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah will be with you |
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[21]Invoke your peace Timotheos worker who is with me and Luqios and Aison and Sosipatros my brothers |
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[22]Invoking I your peace am Tertius who have written the epistle in our Lord |
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[23]Invokes your peace Gaius receiving me and the whole church invokes your peace Aristus steward of the city and Quertus a brother |
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[24]To Alaha but Him Who is able to confirm you in Gospel my that which has been preached about Ieshu The Messiah by the revelation of the mystery that from the times of the world hidden has been |
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[25]Has been revealed but in time this by the scriptures of the prophets and by the commandment of The Alaha eternal it has been taught to all the nations for the hearing sense of faith |
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[26]Of Him Who is wise alone is the glory in the hand of Ieshu The Messiah for the eternity of eternities Amen |
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[27]The grace of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah be with all of you Amen |
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