Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]What? therefore do we say about Abraham the chief of the fathers that he had found in the flesh [No book]
[2]If for Abraham from works justified were it were to him a pride but not in the Presence of Alaha [No book]
[3]What? for say the scriptures "believed Abraham to Alaha and it was accounted to him for righteousness [No book]
[4]To the one who labors but not is accounted to him one's wages as that which is by a favor but as that which is owed to him [No book]
[5]To one but who not labors but believes only in The One Who justifies sinners is accounted to him his faith for righteousness [No book]
[6]Just as that also David said about the blessedness of the man him Alaha accounts to whom righteousness without works as he said [No book]
[7]Their blessings to those whose are forgiven them evils and are covered their sins [No book]
[8]And his blessings to the man whom not will reckon to him Alaha his sins [No book]
[9]This therefore blessing on the circumcision is? or on the uncircumcision we say for was accounted to Abraham his faith for righteousness [No book]
[10]How? therefore was it accounted to him in circumcision or in uncircumcision not it was in circumcision but in uncircumcision [No book]
[11]A sign is for he received circumcision and the seal of the righteousness of his faith when in uncircumcision that he would be the father to all those who believe among the uncircumcision that it shall be reckoned also to them for righteousness [No book]
[12]And the father to the circumcision not he was to those who from the circumcision are only but also to those who follow the steps of faith of the uncircumcision of our father Abraham [No book]
[13]Not it was for by The Written Law there was the promise to Abraham and his seed that he would be the heir to the universe but by the righteousness of his faith [No book]
[14]If for these who of The Written Law were the heirs worthless would have been faith and become void would have the promise [No book]
[15]The Written Law for the worker is of rage where there is no for written Law neither is there a violation of The Written Law [No book]
[16]Because of this in faith which is by grace one will be justified and will be sure the promise to all his seed not to the one who of The Written Law is only but also to the one who of the faith is of Abraham who is the father of us all [No book]
[17]Just as what is written "I have appointed you the father to a multitude of the nations" before Alaha the same you believed in Whom Who gives life to the dead and He calls those who not are as if they are [No book]
[18]And without hope hope he believed that he would be the father to the multitude of the nations as that is written "Like this shall be your seed" [No book]
[19]And not he failed in his faith when he considered his body dead for he was a son of one hundred years and the womb dead of Sara [No book]
[20]And the promise of Alaha not he doubted as if lacking faith but he was strengthened in faith and he gave praise to Alaha [No book]
[21]And he affirmed that whatever had promised to him Alaha He was able to perform [No book]
[22]Because of this it was accounted to him for righteousness [No book]
[23]And not it was for his sake only was written this that was accounted his faith for righteousness [No book]
[24]But also for our sake for to us also He going is to reckon who we believe in The One Who raised our Lord Ieshu The Messiah from the house of the dead [No book]
[25]Him Who was handed over because of our sins and He arose so that He would justify us [No book]