The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The First Book of Clement
[1]When thou wilt do good, knowe to whom thou doest it, and so shalt thou be greatly thanked for thy benefites. [No book]
[2]Do good vnto the righteous, and thou shalt finde great reward, though not of him, yet [no doubt] the Lorde him selfe shall rewarde thee. [No book]
[3]He standeth not in a good case that is alway occupied in euil, & geueth no almes: for the hyghest hateth the sinners, and hath mercie vpon them that shewe the workes of repentaunce. [No book]
[4]Geue thou vnto such as feare God, and receaue not a sinner. [No book]
[5]As for the vngodly and sinners, he shall recompence vengeaunce vnto them, and kepe them to the day of wrath. [No book]
[6]Geue thou vnto the good, and receaue not the sinner, do well vnto hym that is lowly, but geue not to the vngodly: Let not the bread be geuen him, that he be not mightier then thy selfe therin: for so shalt thou receaue twyse as much euyll in all that good that thou doest vnto him. [No book]
[7]And why? the highest hateth sinners, and shall reward vengeaunce to the vngodly. [No book]
[8]In prosperitie a friende shalbe knowen, & in aduersitie an enemie shal not be hid. [No book]
[9]For when a man is in wealth, it greeueth his enemies: but in heauinesse and trouble a mans very friend will depart from him. [No book]
[10]Trust neuer thyne enemie: for like as an yron rusteth, so doth his wickednesse. [No book]
[11]And though he make much crouching and kneeling, yet kepe well thy mind, & beware of him: and thou shalt be to him as he that wypeth a glasse, & thou shalt knowe that al his rust hath not ben wel wyped away. [No book]
[12]Set him not by thee, neither let him sit at thy right hand: lest he turne him, get into thy place, take thy roome, and seke thy seate, and so thou at the last remember my wordes, and be pricked at my sayinges. [No book]
[13]Binde not two sinnes together: for there shall not one be vnpunished. [No book]
[14]Who wil haue pitie of the charmer that is stinged of the serpent, or of all such as come nye the beastes? [No book]
[15]Euen so is it with him that kepeth companie with a wicked man, and lappeth him selfe in his sinnes. [No book]
[16]For a season wil he bide with thee: but if thou stumble, he tarieth not. [No book]
[17]An enemie is sweet in his lippes, he can make many wordes, and speake many good thinges: Yea he can wepe with his eyes, but in his heart he imagineth howe to throwe thee into the pit: and if he may fynde oportunitie, he will not be satisfied with blood. [No book]
[18]If aduersitie come vpon thee, thou shalt find him there first, and though he pretende to do thee helpe, yet shal he vndermine thee. [No book]
[19]He shall shake his head, and clap his handes ouer thee for very gladnesse: and whyle he maketh manywordes, he shall disguyse his countenaunce. [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com