The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The First Book of Clement
[1]He that feareth God, wil do good: & who so kepeth the lawe, shall obtayne wysdome. [No book]
[2]As an honorable mother shall she meete hym, and she as his wife maried of a virgin shal receaue him. [No book]
[3]With the bread of lyfe and vnderstanding shal she feede him, & geue him the water of wholsome wisdome to drinke. [No book]
[4]If he be constant in her, he shall not be moued, and if he holde him fast by her, he shall not come to confusion. [No book]
[5]She shall bring him to honour among his neyghbours, and in the middest of the congregation shall she open his mouth: With the spirite of wysdome and vnderstanding shall she fyll him, and cloth him with the garment of glorie. [No book]
[6]She shall heape the treasure of myrth and ioye vpon him, and geue him an euerlasting name to heritage. [No book]
[7]Foolishe men will not take holde vpon her, but such as haue vnderstanding, will meete her: Foolishe men shall not see her, for she is farre from pryde and disceyte. [No book]
[8]Men that go about with lyes, will not remember her: but men of trueth shalbe founde in her, and shall prosper euen vnto the beholding of God. [No book]
[9]Prayse is not seemely in the mouth of the vngodly, for he is not sent of the Lorde. [No book]
[10]But if prayse come of wysdome and be plenteous in a faythfull mouth, then the Lorde will prosper it. [No book]
[11]Say not thou, it is the Lordes fault that I am gone by: for thou shalt not do the thing that God hateth. [No book]
[12]Say not thou, he hath caused me to do wrong: for he hath no neede of the vngodly. [No book]
[13]God hateth al abhomination of errour, and they that feare God will loue none such. [No book]
[14]God made man from the beginning, and left him in the hande of his counsell: He gaue his commaundementes and preceptes. [No book]
[15]If thou wilt obserue the commaundementes and kepe acceptable faythfulnesse for euer, they shall preserue thee. [No book]
[16]He hath set water and fyre before thee, reache out thine hande vnto which thou wilt. [No book]
[17]Before man is lyfe and death, good and euyll: loke what him lyketh, shalbe geuen him. [No book]
[18]For the wysdome of God is great and mightie in power, and beholdeth all thinges continually: [No book]
[19]The eyes of the Lorde are vpon them that feare him, and he knoweth all the workes of man. [No book]
[20]He hath commaunded no man to do vngodly, neither hath he geuen any man licence to sinne: for he desireth not a multitude of infidels and vnprofitable children. [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com