The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The First Book of Clement
[1]My sonne, if thou hast sinned, do it no more: but pray for thy foresinnes that they may be forgeuen thee. [No book]
[2]Flee from sinne, euen as from a serpent: for if thou comest to nye her, she wyll bite thee: the teeth thereof are as the teeth of a lion, to slay the soules of men. [No book]
[3]The wickednesse of man is as a sharpe two edged sword, which maketh such woundes that they cannot be healed. [No book]
[4]Strife and wrongfull dealing, shall waste away a mans goodes, & through pride a riche house shalbe brought to naught: so the riches of the proude shalbe rooted out. [No book]
[5]The prayer of the poore goeth out of the mouth, & commeth vnto the eares, and his vengeaunce [or defence] shall come hastyly. [No book]
[6]Who so hateth to be refourmed, it is a toke of an vngodly person: but he that feareth God, wyll remember him selfe. [No book]
[7]A mightie man is knowen a farre of by his tongue: but he that hath vnderstanding, perceaueth that he shall haue a fall. [No book]
[8]Who so buildeth his house with other mens cost, is lyke one that gathereth stones to make his graue. [No book]
[9]The congregation of the vngodly, is lyke stubble gathered together, their ende is a flambe of fire. [No book]
[10]The way of the vngodly is set with stones: but in their ende is hell, darkenesse, and paines. [No book]
[11]He that kepeth the lawe, wyll holde fast the vnderstanding thereof: and the ende of the feare of God is wysdome and vnderstanding. [No book]
[12]He that is not wyse, wyl not be taught in good, but the vnwyse man aboundeth in wickednesse: and where bitternesse is, there is no vnderstanding. [No book]
[13]The knowledge of the wyse shal flowe lyke water that runneth ouer, and his counsaile is lyke a pure fountaine of life. [No book]
[14]The heart of a foole is lyke a broken vessel, he can keepe no wysdome. [No book]
[15]When a man of vnderstanding heareth a wyse worde, he shall commend it and make much of it: but if a voluptuous man heare it, he shall haue no pleasure therein, but cast it behinde his backe. [No book]
[16]The talking of a foole is lyke an heauy burthen by the way: but to heare a wise man speake, it is pleasure. [No book]
[17]Where a doubt is in the congregation, it is asked at the mouth of the wyse, and they shall ponder his wordes in their heartes. [No book]
[18]Lyke as is a house that is destroyed, euen so is wysdome vnto a foole: as for the knowledge of the vnwyse, it is but darke wordes. [No book]
[19]Doctrine is vnto him that hath no vnderstanding, euen as fetters about his feete, and lyke manicles vpon his right hande. [No book]
[20]A foole lifteth vp his voyce with laughter: but a wyse man shall sease laugh secretly. [No book]
[21]Learning is vnto a wyse man a iewell of golde, and lyke an armlet vpon his right arme. [No book]
[22]A foolishe mans foote is soone in his neighbours house: but one that hath experience shalbe ashamed at the person of the mightie. [No book]
[23]A foole wyll peepe in at the windowe into the house: but he that is wel nurtured wyll stande without. [No book]
[24]A foolishe man standeth hearkening at the doore: but he that is wyse wyll be ashamed. [No book]
[25]The lippes of the vnwyse wyl be telling foolishe thinges: but the wordes of such as haue vnderstanding shalbe wayed in the balaunce. [No book]
[26]The heart of fooles is in their mouth: but the mouth of the wyse is in their heart. [No book]
[27]When the vngodly curseth the blasmer, he curseth his owne soule. [No book]
[28]A priuie accuser of other men shall defile his owne soule, and be hated of euery man: but he that keepeth his tongue and is discreete, shal come to honour. [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com