The Bishops' Bible (1568)
King James Version
[1]He that seketh vengeaunce, shal find vengeaunce of the Lorde, which shal surely kepe hym his sinnes. [1]He that revengeth shall find vengeance from the Lord, and he will surely keep his sins [in remembrance.]
[2]Forgeue thy neyghbour the hurt that he hath done thee, and so shal thy sinnes be forgeuen thee also when thou prayest. [2]Forgive thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done unto thee, so shall thy sins also be forgiven when thou prayest.
[3]A man that beareth hatred against another, how dare he desire forgeuenesse of God? [3]One man beareth hatred against another, and doth he seek pardon from the Lord?
[4]He that sheweth no mercie to a man which is like him selfe, how dare he aske forgeuenesse of his sinnes? [4]He sheweth no mercy to a man, which is like himself: and doth he ask forgiveness of his own sins?
[5]If he that is but fleshe, beareth hatred and kepeth it, who will intreate for his sinnes? [5]If he that is but flesh nourish hatred, who will intreat for pardon of his sins?
[6]Remember the ende, and let enmitie passe whiche seketh death and destruction, and abyde thou in the commaundementes. [6]Remember thy end, and let enmity cease; [remember] corruption and death, and abide in the commandments.
[7]Remember the commaundementes, so shalt thou not be rigorous ouer thy neyghbour: Thinke vpon the couenaunt of the hyghest, and forgeue thy neyghbours ignoraunce. [7]Remember the commandments, and bear no malice to thy neighbour: [remember] the covenant of the Highest, and wink at ignorance.
[8]Beware of stryfe, and thou shalt make thy sinnes fewer. [8]Abstain from strife, and thou shalt diminish thy sins: for a furious man will kindle strife,
[9]For an angry man kindleth variaunce: and the vngodly disquieteth friendes, and putteth discorde among them that be at peace. [9]A sinful man disquieteth friends, and maketh debate among them that be at peace.
[10]The more wood there is, the more vehement is the fire, and the mightier that men be, the greater is the wrath: according to his riches his anger increaseth, and the longer the stryfe endureth, the more it burneth. [10]As the matter of the fire is, so it burneth: and as a man's strength is, so is his wrath; and according to his riches his anger riseth; and the stronger they are which contend, the more they will be inflamed.
[11]And hastie brawling kindleth a fyre, and an hastie stryfe sheddeth blood: A tongue also that beareth false witnesse, bringeth death. [11]An hasty contention kindleth a fire: and an hasty fighting sheddeth blood.
[12]If thou blow the sparke it shall burne, yf thou spyt vpon it, it shall go foorth, and both these come out of the mouth. [12]If thou blow the spark, it shall burn: if thou spit upon it, it shall be quenched: and both these come out of thy mouth.
[13]The sclaunderer and doubble tongued is cursed: for many one that be friendes, setteth he at variaunce. [13]Curse the whisperer and doubletongued: for such have destroyed many that were at peace.
[14]The thirde tongue hath disquieted many one, and dryuen them from one lande to another: Strong cities of the riche hath it broken downe, and ouerthrowen the houses of great men: The strength of the people hath it brought downe, and ben the decay of mightie nations. [14]A backbiting tongue hath disquieted many, and driven them from nation to nation: strong cities hath it pulled down, and overthrown the houses of great men.
[15]The thirde tongue hath cast out many an honest woman, and robbed them of their labours. [15]A backbiting tongue hath cast out virtuous women, and deprived them of their labours.
[16]Who so hearkeneth vnto such, shal neuer finde rest, and neuer dwell safely. [16]Whoso hearkeneth unto it shall never find rest, and never dwell quietly.
[17]The stroke of the rod maketh printes in the skinne: but the stroke of the tongue smyteth the bones in sunder. [17]The stroke of the whip maketh marks in the flesh: but the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones.
[18]There be many that haue perished with the sworde: but many mo thorow the tongue. [18]Many have fallen by the edge of the sword: but not so many as have fallen by the tongue.
[19]Well is him that is kept from an euyll tongue, and commeth not in the anger thereof, which draweth not the yoke of such, and is not bounde in the bandes of it. [19]Well is he that is defended through the venom thereof; who hath not drawn the yoke thereof, nor hath been bound in her bands.
[20]For the yoke therof is of yron, and the bande of it of steele. [20]For the yoke thereof is a yoke of iron, and the bands thereof are bands of brass.
[21]The death therof is a very euyl death: hell were better for one, then such a tongue. [21]The death thereof is an evil death, the grave were better than it.
[22]But the fire of it may not oppresse them that feare God, and the flambe thereof may not burne them. [22]It shall not have rule over them that fear God, neither shall they be burned with the flame thereof.
[23]Such as forsake the Lorde, shall fall therin, and it shall burne them, and no man shall be able to quenche it: It shall fall vpon them as a lion, and deuour them as a leoparde. [23]Such as forsake the Lord shall fall into it; and it shall burn in them, and not be quenched; it shall be sent upon them as a lion, and devour them as a leopard.
[24]Thou hedgest thy goodes with thornes: why doest thou not rather make doores and barres for thy mouth? [24]Look that thou hedge thy possession about with thorns, and bind up thy silver and gold,
[25]Thou wayest thy gold and siluer: why doest thou not waye thy wordes also vpon thy balaunce, and make a doore, and a barre, and a sure brydell for thy mouth? [25]And weigh thy words in a balance, and make a door and bar for thy mouth.
[26]Beware that thou slide not thy tongue, and so fal before thyne enemies that lay wayte for thee, and thy fal be incurable, euen vnto death. [26]Beware thou slide not by it, lest thou fall before him that lieth in wait.
Source: studybible.org
Source: sacred-texts.com