[1]Who so kepeth the lawe, bringeth offeringes inough: he that holdeth fast the comaundement, offereth the right health offering. |
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[2]He that is thankefull and recompenceth, offereth fine floure: Who so is merciful and geueth almes, that is the right thanke offering. |
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[3]God hath pleasure when one departeth from sinne: and to forsake vnrighteousnesse, reconcileth vs with him. |
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[4]Thou shalt not appeare emptie before the Lorde: |
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[5]For al such is done because of the commaundement of God. |
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[6]The offering of the righteous maketh the aulter fat, and a sweete smell is it before the highest. |
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[7]The offering of the righteous is acceptable vnto God, and shall neuer be forgotten. |
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[8]Geue God his honour with a chearefull heart: and keepe not backe the firstlinges of thyne handes. |
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[9]In all thy giftes shewe a chearefull countenaunce, and halowe thy tythes vnto God with gladnesse. |
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[10]Geue vnto God according as he hath enriched and prospered thee: and loke what thyne hande is able, geue with a chearefull eye. |
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[11]For the Lorde recompenceth, and geueth thee seuen times as much againe. |
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[12]Geue no vnrighteous giftes, for such wyll he not receaue: Beware of wrong offeringes, for the Lorde is a righteous iudge, and regardeth no mans person. |
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[13]He accepteth not the person of the poore: but he heareth the prayer of the oppressed. |
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[14]He despiseth not the desire of the fatherlesse, nor the wydowe when she powreth out her prayer before him. |
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[15]Doth not God see the teares that runne downe the cheekes of the wydowe? or heareth he not the complaint ouer such as make her to weepe? For from her cheekes do the teares go vp vnto heauen, and the Lord which heareth them doth accept them. |
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[16]Who so serueth God after his pleasure, shalbe accepted: and his prayer reacheth vnto the cloudes. |
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[17]The prayer of him that humbleth him selfe, goeth through the cloudes: till she come nye she wyll not be comforted, nor go her way tyll the highest God haue respect vnto her, geue true sentece, and perfourme the iudgement. |
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[18]And the Lorde wyll not be slacke in comming, nor tary long, tyll he haue smitten in sunder the backes of the vnmercifull, and auenged him selfe of the heathen, tyll he haue taken away the multitude of the cruell, and broken the scepter of the vnrighteous, tyll he geue euery man after his workes, and rewarde them after their doinges, tyll he haue delyuered his people, maintayned their cause, and reioyced them in his mercie. |
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[19]O how faire a thing is mercie in the time of anguishe and trouble? it is lyke a cloude of rayne that commeth in the time of drouth. |
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