The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The First Book of Clement
[1]Haue mercie vpon vs, O Lorde, thou God of all thinges, haue respect vnto vs: shewe vs the light of thy mercies, [No book]
[2]And sende thy feare among the heathen and straungers which seeke not after thee, that they may knowe that there is no God but thou, and that they may shew thy wonderous workes. [No book]
[3]Lyft vp thyne hande ouer the outlandishe heathen, that they may learne to knowe thy might and power. [No book]
[4]Lyke as thou art halowed in vs before them: so bring to passe that thou mayst be magnified also in them before vs. [No book]
[5]That they may know thee, lyke as we know thee: for there is none other God but onely thou O Lorde. [No book]
[6]Renue the tokens, and chaunge the wonderous workes: shew thyne hand and thy right arme gloriouslie. [No book]
[7]Rayse vp thyne indignation, and poure out thy wrath: take away the aduersarie, and smite the enemie. [No book]
[8]Make the time shorte, remember thy couenaunt, that thy woderous workes may be praysed. [No book]
[9]Let the wrath of the fyre consume them that lyue so carelesse: and let them perishe that do thy people hurt. [No book]
[10]Smyte in sunder the head of the princes that be our enemies, and say, there is none other but we. [No book]
[11]Gather all the tribes of Iacob together againe, that they may knowe how that there is none other God but onely thou, that they may shewe thy wonderous workes: and be thou thy peoples heritage, lyke as from the beginning. [No book]
[12]O Lorde haue mercie vpon the people that hath thy name, and vpon Israel whom thou hast lykened to a first borne sonne. [No book]
[13]O be mercifull vnto Hierusalem the citie of thy sanctuarie, the citie of thy rest. [No book]
[14]Fill Sion with thyne vnspeakable vertues, and thy people with thy glorie. [No book]
[15]Geue witnesse vnto thy creature who thou madest from the beginning, and rayse vp the prophesies that haue ben shewed in thy name. [No book]
[16]Rewarde them that wayte for thee, that thy prophetes may be founde faithfull. [No book]
[17]O Lorde heare the prayer of thy seruauntes according to the blessing of Aaron ouer thy people, and guide thou vs in the way of righteousnes: that al they which dwell vpon the earth may know that thou art the Lorde the eternall God, which is from euerlasting. [No book]
[18]The belly deuoureth all meates: yet is one meate better then another. [No book]
[19]Lyke as the tongue tasteth venison: so doth an heart of vnderstandyng marke false wordes. [No book]
[20]A froward heart geueth heauines: but a man of experience lyfteth him vp againe. [No book]
[21]The woman receaueth euery man: yet is one daughter better then another. [No book]
[22]A faire wyfe reioyceth her husband: and a man loueth nothing better. [No book]
[23]If there be in her tongue gentlenes, meekenes, and holsome talke: then is not her husband lyke other men. [No book]
[24]He that hath gotten a vertuous woman, hath a goodlie possession: she is vnto him a helpe, and piller wherevpon he resteth. [No book]
[25]Where no hedge is, there the goodes are spoyled: and where no huswyfe is, there the frendles mourneth. [No book]
[26]Lyke as there is no credence geuen to a robber that goeth from one citie to another: so is not the man beleued that hath no nest, and must turne in where he may abide in the night. [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com