[1]The remembraunce of Iosias, is lyke as whe the apothecarie maketh many precious sweete smelling thinges together: his remembraunce shalbe sweete as hony in all mouthes, and as the playing of musicke at a banket of wine. |
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[2]He was appoynted to turne the people againe, and to take away all abhominations of the vngodlie. |
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[3]He directed his heart vnto the Lorde, and in the time of the vngodlie he set vp the worship of God againe. |
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[4]All kinges except Dauid, Ezechias, and Iosias, committed wickednes: for euen the kinges of Iuda also forsoke the lawe of God. |
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[5]For they gaue their horne vnto other, their honour & worship also to a strauge people. |
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[6]Therefore was the elect citie of the sanctuarie brent with fire, and the streetes therof layd desolate and waste in the hande of Ieremie. |
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[7]For they entreated him euill, which neuerthelesse was a prophete, ordayned from his mothers wombe, that he might roote out, breake of, and destroy: and that he might builde vp, and plant againe. |
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[8]Ezechiel sawe the glorie of the Lorde in a vision, which was shewed him vpon the charet of the Cherubims. |
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[9]For he thought vpon the enemies in the rayne, to do good vnto such as had ordered their wayes aright. |
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[10]And the bones of the twelue prophetes florished from out of their place: for they gaue comfort and consolation vnto Iacob, and deliuered them faithfully. |
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[11]How shal we prayse Zorobabel, which was as a ring on the right hande? |
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[12]So was Iesus also the sonne of Iosedec: these men in their times builded the house, & set vp the sanctuarie of the Lorde againe, which was prepared for an euerlasting worship. |
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[13]And among the elect was Nehemias, whose renowme was great, which set vp for vs the walles that were broken downe, made the portes and barres againe, and builded our houses a new. |
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[14]But vpon the earth is there no man created lyke Enoch: for he was taken vp from the earth. |
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[15]Neither was there a lyke man vnto Ioseph, which was lord of his brethren, and the vpholder of his people: his bones were couered and kept. |
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[16]Seth and Sem were in great honour among the people, and so was Adam aboue all the beastes when he was created. |
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