[1]Trust not vnto thy riches, & say not, tushe I haue inough for my lyfe, for it shall not helpe in the tyme of vengeaunce and temptation. |
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[2]Folowe not the lust of thyne owne heart in thy strength, |
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[3]And say not, tushe howe haue I had strength? or who wyll bryng me vnder because of my workes? For doubtlesse God shall auenge it. |
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[4]And say not, I haue sinned, and what euyll hath happened me? For the almightie is a patient rewarder. |
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[5]Because thy sinne is forgeuen thee, be not therfore without feare, neither heape one sinne vpon another. |
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[6]And say not, tushe, the mercie of the Lorde is great, he shall forgeue me my sinnes be they neuer so many: For lyke as he is mercifull, so goeth wrath from hym also, and his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners. |
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[7]Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lorde, and put not of from day to day: for sodenly shall his wrath come, and in the tyme of vengeaunce he shall destroy thee. |
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[8]Trust not in wicked riches, for they shall not helpe thee in the day of punishment and wrath. |
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[9]Be not caried about with euery winde, and go not into euery way: for so doth the sinner that hath a double tongue. |
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[10]Stande fast in the way of the Lorde, be stedfast in thy vnderstandyng, abyde by the worde, and folowe the worde of peace and righteousnesse. |
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[11]Be gentle to heare the worde of God, that thou mayest vnderstande it: and make a true aunswere with wisdome. |
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[12]Be swyft to heare, but slowe and pacient in geuing aunswere. |
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[13]If thou hast vnderstanding, shape thy neighbour an aunswere: yf no, laye thy hande vpon thy mouth, lest thou be trapped in an vndiscreete word, and so confounded. |
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[14]Honour and shame is in the talke, but the tongue of the vndiscrete is his owne destruction. |
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[15]Be not a priuy accuser as long as thou lyuest, and vse no slaunder with thy tongue: For shame & sorowe goeth ouer the thiefe, and an euyll name ouer him that is double tongued: but he that is a priuy accuser of other men, shalbe hated, enuied, and confounded. |
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[16]Do not rashly neither in great nor small. |
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