The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]Behold, thou art fairH3303, my loveH7474; behold, thou art fairH3303; thou hast doves'H3123 eyesH5869 withinH1157 thy locksH6777: thy hairH8181 is as a flockH5739 of goatsH5795, that appearH1570 from mountH2022 GileadH1568. [1]Behold, thou art fair, my love: behold, thou art fair: thine eyes are like the doves: among thy locks thine hair is like the flock of goats, which look down from the mountain of Gilead.
[2]Thy teethH8127 are like a flockH5739 of sheep that are even shornH7094[H8803], which came upH5927[H8804] from the washingH7367; whereof every one bear twinsH8382[H8688], and none is barren among themH7909. [2]Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep in good order, which go up from the washing: which every one bring out twins, and none is barren among them.
[3]Thy lipsH8193 are like a threadH2339 of scarletH8144, and thy speechH4057 is comelyH5000: thy templesH7541 are like a pieceH6400 of a pomegranateH7416 withinH1157 thy locksH6777. [3]Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy talk is comely: thy temples are within thy locks as a piece of a pomegranate.
[4]Thy neckH6677 is like the towerH4026 of DavidH1732 buildedH1129[H8803] for an armouryH8530, whereon there hangH8518[H8803] a thousandH505 bucklersH4043, all shieldsH7982 of mighty menH1368. [4]Thy neck is as the tower of David built for defense: a thousand shields hang therein, and all the targets of the strong men.
[5]Thy twoH8147 breastsH7699 are like twoH8147 youngH6082 roesH6646 that are twinsH8380, which feedH7462[H8802] among the liliesH7799. [5]Thy two breasts are as two young roes that are twins, feeding among the lilies.
[6]Until the dayH3117 breakH6315[H8799], and the shadowsH6752 flee awayH5127[H8804], I will getH3212[H8799] me to the mountainH2022 of myrrhH4753, and to the hillH1389 of frankincenseH3828. [6]Until the daybreak, and the shadows flee away, I will go into the mountain of myrrh and to the mountain of incense.
[7]Thou art all fairH3303, my loveH7474; there is no spot in theeH3971. [7]Thou art all fair, my love, and there is no spot in thee.
[8]ComeH935[H8799] with me from LebanonH3844, my spouseH3618, with me from LebanonH3844: lookH7789[H8799] from the topH7218 of AmanaH549, from the topH7218 of ShenirH8149 and HermonH2768, from the lions'H738 densH4585, from the mountainsH2042 of the leopardsH5246. [8]Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, even with me from Lebanon, and look from the top of Amanah, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the dens of the lions, and from the mountains of the leopards.
[9]Thou hast ravished my heartH3823[H8765], my sisterH269, my spouseH3618; thou hast ravished my heartH3823[H8765] with oneH259 of thine eyesH5869, with oneH259 chainH6060 of thy neckH6677. [9]My sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded mine heart: thou hast wounded mine heart with one of thine eyes, and with a chain of thy neck.
[10]How fairH3302[H8804] is thy loveH1730, my sisterH269, my spouseH3618! how much betterH2895[H8804] is thy loveH1730 than wineH3196! and the smellH7381 of thine ointmentsH8081 than all spicesH1314! [10]My sister, my spouse, how fair is thy love? How much better is thy love than wine? And the savor of thine ointments than all spices?
[11]Thy lipsH8193, O my spouseH3618, dropH5197[H8799] as the honeycombH5317: honeyH1706 and milkH2461 are under thy tongueH3956; and the smellH7381 of thy garmentsH8008 is like the smellH7381 of LebanonH3844. [11]Thy lips, my spouse, drop as honeycombs: honey and milk are under thy tongue, and the savor of thy garments is as the savor of Lebanon.
[12]A gardenH1588 inclosedH5274[H8803] is my sisterH269, my spouseH3618; a springH1530 shut upH5274[H8803], a fountainH4599 sealedH2856.[H8803] [12]My sister my spouse is as a garden enclosed, as a spring shut up, and a fountain sealed up.
[13]Thy plantsH7973 are an orchardH6508 of pomegranatesH7416, with pleasantH4022 fruitsH6529; camphireH3724, with spikenardH5373, [13]Thy plants are as an orchard of pomegranates with sweet fruits, as camphor, spikenard,
[14]SpikenardH5373 and saffronH3750; calamusH7070 and cinnamonH7076, with all treesH6086 of frankincenseH3828; myrrhH4753 and aloesH174, with all the chiefH7218 spicesH1314: [14]Even spikenard, and saffron, calamus, and cinnamon with all the trees of incense, myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices.
[15]A fountainH4599 of gardensH1588, a wellH875 of livingH2416 watersH4325, and streamsH5140[H8802] from LebanonH3844. [15]O fountain of the gardens, O well of living waters, and the springs of Lebanon.
[16]AwakeH5782[H8798], O north windH6828; and comeH935[H8798], thou southH8486; blowH6315[H8685] upon my gardenH1588, that the spicesH1314 thereof may flow outH5140[H8799]. Let my belovedH1730 comeH935[H8799] into his gardenH1588, and eatH398[H8799] his pleasantH4022 fruitsH6529. [16]Arise, O north, and come O south, and blow on my garden that the spices thereof may flow out: let my well beloved come to his garden, and eat his pleasant fruit.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org