Peshitta NT (Murdock, 1852)
Book of Jasher (1840)
[1]And admonish them to be submissive and obedient to princes and potentates; and that they be ready for every good work; [No book]
[2]and that they speak ill of no man; that they be not contentious, but mild; and that in every thing they manifest benignity towards all men. [No book]
[3]For we also were formerly reckless, and disobedient, and erring, and serving divers lusts, and living in malice and envy, and were hateful and also hating one another. [No book]
[4]But when the kindness and compassion of God our Life-giver was revealed, [No book]
[5]not by works of righteousness which we had done, but according to his mercy, he vivified us, by the washing of the new birth, and by the renovation of the Holy Spirit, [No book]
[6]which he shed on us abundantly, by Jesus the Messiah our Life-giver: [No book]
[7]that we might be justified by his grace, and become heirs in the hope of eternal life. [No book]
[8]Faithful is the word: and in these things, I would have thee also establish them; so that they, who have believed in God, may be careful to cultivate good works: these are the things, which are good, and profitable to men. [No book]
[9]But foolish questions, and stories of genealogies, and the disputes and contests of the scribes, avoid: for there is no profit in them, and they are vain. [No book]
[10]An heretical man, after thou hast instructed him once and again, avoid: [No book]
[11]and know thou, that such a man is perverse, and sinful, and self-condemned. [No book]
[12]When I shall send Artemas to thee, or Tychicus, strive thou to come to me at Nicopolis; for I have purposed to winter there. [No book]
[13]As for Zenas the scribe, and Apollos, endeavor to help them well on their way, that they may want nothing. [No book]
[14]And let our people learn also to perform good works, on occasions of emergency, that they may not be unfruitful. [No book]
[15]All they that are with me salute thee. Salute all them who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen. End of the Epistle to Titus; which was written from Nicopolis, and was sent by the hands of Zenas and Apollos. [No book]
Translation: James Murdock, D. D. (1852)
Source: aramaicnewtestament.org
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