[1]Then Tobias toke it heauyly, & with teares began to make his prayer, |
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[2]Saying: O Lord thou art righteous, and all thy iudgementes are true: yea al thy wayes are mercie, faythfulnesse, and iudgement. |
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[3]And now O Lorde be myndefull of me, and take no vengeaunce of my sinnes, neither remember my misdeedes, neither the misdeedes of my forefathers. |
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[4]For we haue not ben obedient vnto thy commaundementes: therefore are we spoyled, brought into captiuite, into death, into derision and shame vnto all nations, among whom thou hast scattered vs. |
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[5]And nowe O Lorde, thy iudgementes are great: for we haue not done according to thy commaundementes, neither haue we walked innocently before thee. |
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[6]And nowe O Lord, deale with me according to thy will, and commaunde my spirite to be receaued in peace: for more expedient were it for me to die, then to liue. |
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[7]At the same time it happened that Sara the daughter of Raguel at Rages a citie of the Medes, was also reproched by one of her fathers handmaydes, |
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[8]That she had had seuen husbandes, which assoone as they were gone in vnto her, were slayne of the deuyll, called Asmodeus. |
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[9]Therfore when she reproued the mayden for her faut, she aunswered her, saying: God let vs neuer see sonne nor daughter of thee more vpon earth, thou killer of thy husbandes. |
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[10]Wilt thou slay me also, as thou hast slayne seuen men? At this voyce went Sara into an hye chamber of her house, and three dayes and three nightes she neither eate nor dranke. |
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[11]But continued in prayer, and besought God with teares, that he would deliuer her from this rebuke. |
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[12]Upon the thirde day it came to passe, that when she had made an end of prayer, she praysed the Lorde, |
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[13]Saying: Blessed be thy name O God of our fathers, whiche when thou art wroth shewest mercie, and in time of trouble thou forgeuest the sinnes of them that call vpon thee. |
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[14]Unto thee O Lorde turne I my face, vnto thee lift I vp myne eyes. |
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[15]I beseche thee O Lord, loose me out of the bondes of this rebuke, or els take me vtterly away from of the earth. |
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[16]Thou knowest Lorde that I neuer had desire vnto man, and that I haue kept my soule cleane from all vncleanly lust: |
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[17]I haue not kept companie with those that passe their time in sport, neither haue I made my selfe partaker with them that walke in light behauour. |
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[18]An husband haue I consented to take, not for my pseasure, but in thy feare. |
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[19]Nowe peraduenture eyther I haue ben vnworthy of them, or els were they vnmeete for me: for thou happyly hast kept me to another hushande. |
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[20]For why? thy counsell is not in the power of man. |
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[21]But euery one that serueth thee is sure of this, that if his life be in triyng, it shalbe crowned: and if he be in trouble, that God [no doubt] shal deliuer him: and if his life be in chastening, that he shall haue leaue to come vnto thy mercie. |
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[22]For thou hast no pleasure in our dampnation: And why? after a storme thou makest the wether faire and still, after weeping & heauinesse thou geuest great ioy. |
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[23]Thy name O God of Israel, be praysed for euer. |
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[24]At the same time were both their prayers hearde in the sight of the maiestie of the hiest God. |
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[25]And Raphael the holy angell of the Lorde, was sent to helpe them both, whose prayers came at one time together before God. |
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