The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The Second Book of Clement
[1]So Tobias went on his way, and a dogge folowed him: and the first night they abode by the water of Tigris. [No book]
[2]Then went he out to washe his feete, and beholde there came foorth an horrible fishe to deuour him. [No book]
[3]Of whom Tobias was afrayde, and cryed with a loude voyce, saying: Lord, he commeth vpon me. [No book]
[4]And the angell saide vnto him: Take him by the gyll, and drawe him to thee. And he did so, and drew him vpon the lande: and the fishe began to leape at his feete. [No book]
[5]Then saide the angell vnto him, Take out the bowels of this fishe: & as for the heart, the gal, and the lyuer, keepe them by thee: for these thinges are necessary and good for medicines. [No book]
[6]Tobias did so, and rosted the flesh, and they tooke it with them in their iourney: the residue they salted, as much as was sufficient for them, tyll they came to Rages a citie of the Medes. [No book]
[7]Then Tobias asked the angell, and saide vnto him: I pray thee brother Azaria, tell me whereto are these thinges good of the fishe that thou hast bidden me keepe. [No book]
[8]The angell aunswered him, and said: If thou layest a peece of the heart vpon the coales, the smoke thereof dryueth away all maner of euill spirites, whether it be from man or from woman, so that from thencefoorth the same shall come no more vnto them. [No book]
[9]The gal is good to annoynt or to strike the eyes withall, where as there is any blemishe in them, so that they shalbe whole. [No book]
[10]And Tobias saide vnto him: Where wilt thou that we remaine? The angell aunswered, [No book]
[11]And saide: Here is a nye kinsman of thyne and of thy tribe, one Raguel by name, which hath a daughter called Sara, & hath neither sonne nor daughter but her. [No book]
[12]All his good belongeth vnto thee, and thou must mary her. [No book]
[13]And therefore desire her of her father, and he shall geue her thee to wyfe. [No book]
[14]Then aunswered Tobias and saide: As I vnderstand she hath ben maryed vnto seuen husbandes, and they all are dead: and I haue heard say, that the deuill slue them. [No book]
[15]I am afrayd therfore lest such thinges happen vnto me also: which if it came to passe, seeing I am the onely sonne of my father and my mother, I should bryng them in their age with sorowe to their graues. [No book]
[16]Then saide the angell Raphael vnto him: Heare me, & I wyll tell thee what they be, of whom the deuil hath power. [No book]
[17]Namely, they that receaue mariage after such a fashion that they shut God out from them and from their heart, and geue them selues to their owne lust, euen as it were an Horse & Mule which haue no vnderstanding: vpon such hath the deuill power. [No book]
[18]But when thou takest her, and art come in to the chamber, withhold thy selfe from her three dayes, and geue thy diligence vnto nothing but vnto prayer with her. [No book]
[19]And in the first night, rost the lyuer of the fishe, and the deuill shalbe driuen away. [No book]
[20]The second night shalt thou be receaued into the company of the holy patriarches. [No book]
[21]The third night shalt thou obtayne the blessing of God, so that whole children shall be borne of you. [No book]
[22]After the third night take the mayden in the feare of God, and more for the desire of children, then for any fleshely lust, that in the seede of Abraham thou mayest obtayne the blessing in children. [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com