[1]Wisdome reacheth from one ende to another mightily, and louyngly doth she order all thynges. |
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[2]I haue loued her, and laboured for her, euen from my youth vp: I dyd my diligence to mary my selfe with her, such loue had I vnto her beautie. |
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[3]That she hath the companie of God, it commendeth her nobilitie: yea the Lorde of all thynges hym selfe loueth her. |
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[4]For she is the scoolemaistresse of the nurture of God, and the choser out of his workes. |
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[5]If a man woulde desire riches in this lyfe, what is richer then wisdome that worketh all thynges? |
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[6]For yf prudencie worke: what is it among all thynges that worketh better? |
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[7]And yf a man loue ryghteousnesse, her labours are but vertues: For why? she teacheth sobernesse and prudence, righteousnesse and strength, which are such thinges as men can haue nothyng more profitable in their lyfe. |
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[8]If a man desire much knowledge, she can tell the thynges that are past, and discerne thynges for to come: she knoweth the subtilties of wordes, and can expounde darke sentences: she forseeth signes and wonders or euer they come to passe, and the endes of all tymes and ages. |
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[9]Therfore I purposed after this maner: I wyll take her into my companie, that she may liue with me, knowyng for certaintie she shall geue me good counsayle, and speake comfortably vnto me in my carefulnesse and griefe. |
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[10]For her sake shall I be well [& honestly] taken among the commons, and with honour among the elders though I be young. |
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[11]I shalbe founde to be of sharpe iudgement, so that I shalbe marueylous in the sight of great men: and the faces of princes shall wonder at me. |
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[12]When I holde my tongue, they shall byde my leasure, and when I speake, they shall geue good eare vnto me, and if I talke much, they shall lay their handes vpon their mouth. |
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[13]Moreouer, by the meanes of her I shall obtayne immortalitie, and leaue behynde me an euerlastyng memoriall among them that come after me. |
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[14]I shall set the people in order, and the nations shalbe subdued vnto me. |
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[15]Horrible tirauntes shalbe afraide when they do but heare of me, among the multitude I shalbe counted good, and mightie in battayle. |
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[16]When I come home I shall fynde rest with her: for her companie hath no bitternesse, and her felowshyp hath no tediousnesse, but mirth and ioy. |
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[17]Nowe whe I considered these thinges by my selfe, and pondered them in my heart, howe that to be ioyned vnto wisdome is immortalitie, |
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[18]And great pleasure to haue her friendshyp, and that in the workes of her handes are infinite riches, and that who so kepeth companie with her shalbe wise, and that he which talketh with her, shall come to honour: I went about sekyng howe to get her vnto me. |
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[19]For I was a lad of ripe witte, and had a good vnderstandyng. |
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[20]But when I grewe to more vnderstandyng, I came to an vndefiled body. |
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[21]Neuerthelesse when I perceaued that I coulde not enioy it except God gaue it [me] and that was a poynt of wisdome also to knowe whose gyft it was, I stepped vnto the Lorde and besought hym, and with my whole heart I sayde after this maner: |
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