[1]In that time shall the house of Dauid and the citezins of Hierusalem haue an open wel to washe of sinne and vncleannesse |
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[2]And then saith the Lorde of hoastes, I wyll destroy the names of the idols out of the lande: so that they shal no more be put in remembraunce: As for the false prophetes also, and the vncleane spirites, I wyl take them out of the lande |
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[3]So that if any of them prophecie any more, his owne father and mother that begat him, shal say vnto him, Thou shalt dye, for thou speakest lyes vnder the name of the Lord: yea his owne father and mother that begat him shall wounde him, when he prophecieth |
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[4]And then shal those prophetes be confounded euery one of his vision when he prophecieth: neither shal they weare heere cloth any more to deceaue men withall |
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[5]But he shalbe fayne to say, I am no prophete, I am an husbandman: for so am I taught by man from my youth vp |
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[6]And if it be saide vnto him, How came these woundes then in thyne handes? He shal aunswere: Thus was I wounded in the house of myne owne friendes |
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[7]Aryse O thou sworde vpon my shephearde, and vpon the man that is my felow, saith the lord of hoastes: smite the shepheard, & the sheepe shalbe scattred abroade: and so wyll I turne my hande to the litle ones |
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[8]And it shall come to passe saith the Lorde, that in all the lande two partes shalbe rooted out, but the third part shall remayne therein |
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[9]And the same third part wyl I bring through the fire, & wyl cleanse them as the siluer is cleansed, yea and trye them lyke as golde is tryed: then shal they call vpon my name and I wyll heare them, I wyll say it is my people, and they shall say, Lorde my God |
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