The Bishops' Bible (1568)
Vulgata Clementina (1592)
[1]Beholde, the day of the Lorde commeth, and thy spoyle shalbe deuided in the middest of thee [1]Ecce venient dies Domini, et dividentur spolia tua in medio tui.
[2]For I wyll gather together all the heathen to fight against Hierusalem, so that the citie shalbe wonne, the houses spoyled, and the women defiled: the halfe of the citie shall go away into captiuitie, and the residue of the people shal not be caryed out of the citie [2]Et congregabo omnes gentes ad Jerusalem in prælium: et capietur civitas, et vastabuntur domus, et mulieres violabuntur: et egredietur media pars civitatis in captivitatem, et reliquum populi non auferetur ex urbe.
[3]After that, shall the Lorde go foorth to fight against those heathen, as men vse to fight in the day of battaile [3]Et egredietur Dominus, et præliabitur contra gentes illas, sicut præliatus est in die certaminis.
[4]Then shall his feete stand vpon the mount Oliuet that lyeth vpon the east side of Hierusalem, and the mount Oliuet shall cleaue in two eastwarde and westwarde, so that there shalbe a great valley: and the halfe mount shal remoue toward the north, & the other towarde the south [4]Et stabunt pedes ejus in die illa super montem Olivarum, qui est contra Jerusalem ad orientem: et scindetur mons Olivarum ex media parte sui ad orientem et ad occidentem, prærupto grandi valde: et separabitur medium montis ad aquilonem, et medium ejus ad meridiem.
[5]And ye shall flee vnto the valley of my hylles, for the valley of the hylles shall reache vnto Asal: yea, flee shall ye lyke as ye fled for the earthquake in the dayes of Oziah king of Iuda: and the Lorde my God shall come, and all the sainctes with him [5]Et fugietis ad vallem montium eorum, quoniam conjungetur vallis montium usque ad proximum: et fugietis sicut fugistis a facie terræmotus in diebus Oziæ regis Juda: et veniet Dominus Deus meus, omnesque sancti cum eo.
[6]In that day shall there be no cleare light, but darke [6]Et erit in die illa: non erit lux, sed frigus et gelu.
[7]This shalbe that speciall day which is knowen vnto the Lorde, neither day nor night: but about the euening time it shalbe light [7]Et erit dies una quæ nota est Domino, non dies neque nox: et in tempore vesperi erit lux.
[8]In that time shall there waters of lyfe runne out from Hierusalem: the halfe part of them towarde the cast sea, and the other halfe towarde the vttermost sea, and shall continue both sommer and winter [8]Et erit in die illa: exibunt aquæ vivæ de Jerusalem: medium earum ad mare orientale, et medium earum ad mare novissimum: in æstate et in hieme erunt.
[9]And the Lorde him selfe shal be king ouer all the earth: At that time shall there be one Lorde onely, and his name shall be but one [9]Et erit Dominus rex super omnem terram: in die illa erit Dominus unus, et erit nomen ejus unum.
[10]All the lande shalbe turned as a plaine from Gibea to Remmon, towardes the south of Hierusalem: She shalbe set vp, and inhabited in her place, from Beniamins port vnto the place of the first port, and vnto the corner port, and from the towre of Hananeel vnto the kinges wine presses [10]Et revertetur omnis terra usque ad desertum, de colle Remmon ad austrum Jerusalem: et exaltabitur, et habitabit in loco suo, a porta Benjamin usque ad locum portæ prioris, et usque ad portam angulorum, et a turre Hananeel usque ad torcularia regis.
[11]There shal men dwell, and there shal be no more destruction, but Hierusalem shalbe safely inhabited [11]Et habitabunt in ea, et anathema non erit amplius, sed sedebit Jerusalem secura.
[12]This shalbe the plague wherewith the Lorde wyll smyte all people that haue fought against Hierusalem, Their fleshe shall consume away, though they stand vpon their feete, their eyes shalbe corrupt in their holes, and their tongue shall consume in their mouth [12]Et hæc erit plaga qua percutiet Dominus omnes gentes quæ pugnaverunt adversus Jerusalem: tabescet caro uniuscujusque stantis super pedes suos: et oculi ejus contabescent in foraminibus suis, et lingua eorum contabescet in ore suo.
[13]In that day shall the Lorde make a great sedition among them: so that one man shall take another by the hande, and laye his handes vpon the handes of his neighbour [13]In die illa erit tumultus Domini magnus in eis: et apprehendet vir manum proximi sui, et conseretur manus ejus super manum proximi sui.
[14]Iuda shall fight against Hierusalem, and the armies of al the heathen shalbe gathered together rounde about, with golde and siluer, and a very great multitude of apparell [14]Sed et Judas pugnabit adversus Jerusalem: et congregabuntur divitiæ omnium gentium in circuitu, aurum, et argentum, et vestes multæ satis.
[15]And this plague shall go ouer horses, mules, cammels, asses, & all the beastes that shalbe in the hoast, like as yonder plague was [15]Et sic erit ruina equi, et muli, et cameli, et asini, et omnium jumentorum quæ fuerint in castris illis, sicut ruina hæc.
[16]Euery one that remayneth then of all the people which came against Hierusalem, shall go vp early to worship the king [euen] the Lorde of hoastes, and to kepe the feast of tabernacles [16]Et omnes qui reliqui fuerint de universis gentibus quæ venerunt contra Jerusalem, ascendent ab anno in annum ut adorent regem, Dominum exercituum, et celebrent festivitatem tabernaculorum.
[17]And loke what generation vpon the earth goeth not to Hierusalem for to worshippe the king the Lorde of hoastes, vpon the same shall come no rayne [17]Et erit: qui non ascenderit de familiis terræ ad Jerusalem ut adoret regem, Dominum exercituum, non erit super eos imber.
[18]If the kindred of Egypt go not vp, and come not, it shall not [rayne] vpon them: This shalbe the plague wherewith the Lorde wyll smyte all the heathen that come not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles [18]Quod etsi familia Ægypti non ascenderit et non venerit, nec super eos erit: sed erit ruina, qua percutiet Dominus omnes gentes quæ non ascenderint ad celebrandam festivitatem tabernaculorum.
[19]Yea this shalbe the plague of Egypt, and the plague of all people that go not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles [19]Hoc erit peccatum Ægypti, et hoc peccatum omnium gentium quæ non ascenderint ad celebrandam festivitatem tabernaculorum.
[20]At that time shall the ryding geare of the horses be holy vnto the Lorde: the kettels in the lordes house shalbe lyke the basons before the aulter [20]In die illa, erit quod super frenum equi est, sanctum Domino: et erunt lebetes in domo Domini quasi phialæ coram altari.
[21]Yea, all the kettels in Hierusalem and Iuda shalbe holy vnto the Lorde of hoastes: and al they that slay offringes, shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: And at that time there shalbe no mo Chanaanites in the house of the Lorde of hoastes [21]Et erit omnis lebes in Jerusalem et in Juda sanctificatus Domino exercituum: et venient omnes immolantes, et sument ex eis, et coquent in eis: et non erit mercator ultra in domo Domini exercituum in die illo.
Source: studybible.org
Source: unbound.biola.edu