[1]BUT concerning what is [to be] collected for the saints, as I have instructed the churches of Galatia, so also do you. [2]On each first day of the week let every one of you at his own house lay by and keep something of that which cometh unto his hands, lest when I come there be then collections. [3]And when I come, those whom you shall choose, them will I send with an epistle, that they may take your bounty to Urishlem. [4]But if it be a fit work that I too go [thither], they also shall go with me. [5]But I will come to you when I shall have passed [round] from Makedunia: for I pass unto it, unto Makedunia. [6]And perhaps also I may remain with you, or I may winter with you, that you may lead me on to the place to which I shall go. [7]For I will not now see you as I pass the way; for I hope to abide a time with you, if my Lord permit me. [8]For I remain at Ephesos until the Pentecost. [9]For a great door is opened to me, which is full of labours, and the opposers are many. [10]But if Timotheos come among you, see that he may be with you without fear; for he doeth the work of the Lord, as I. [do] [11]Wherefore let no man despise him, but conduct him in peace, that he may come to me; for I wait for him with the brethren. [12]But of Apolo, my brethren, I begged much to come to you with the brethren; nevertheless it was not his will to come to you; but when there shall be opportunity he will come to you. [13]WATCH, and stand in the faith; be manful and be strong. [14]And let all your affairs be done in love. [15]But I entreat of you, my brethren, for the house of Stephano, because you know they are the first-fruits of Akaia, and have disposed themselves for the service of the saints, [16]That you be submissive to such as they, and to every one who laboureth with us and helpeth. [17]But I am glad of the coming of Stephano, and of Fortunatos, and of Akaiakos, because your deficiency with me they have fulfilled. [18]For they have refreshed my spirit and yours. Wherefore acknowledge those who are such. [19]All the churches of Asia ask for your peace; Akilos and Priskila, with the church which is in their house, ask for your peace greatly in our Lord. [20]All the brethren ask for your peace. Ask the peace of one another with the holy kiss. [21]Peace, by the writing of my hand, of PAULOS. [22]Whosoever loveth not our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, let him be accursed. Our Lord cometh. [23]The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you. [24]And my love be with you all in the Meshiha Jeshu Amen. Finished is the first epistle to the Kurinthoyee; which was written in Philipos of Makedunia, and sent by the hand of Timotheos.
[16:2] Or, choosings, selections.

Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info