Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]Children these things write I to you that not you will sin and if a man will sin there is to us The Redeemer from the curse with The Father Ieshu The Messiah The Righteous One [No book]
[2]He is for the atonement Who is for the sake of our sins and not in our place ours only but also in the place of all the universe [No book]
[3]And by this we sense that we know Him if we keep His commandments [No book]
[4]He for who says I know Him and His commandments not keeps lying is and the truth is not in him [No book]
[5]He but who keeps His word in this one is perfected truly the love of Alaha in this for we know that in Him we are [No book]
[6]He who says in Him I am it is necessary for him that according to His walking His he should walk [No book]
[7]Beloved ones not a commandment new write I to you but a commandment ancient that which being was to you from the beginning the commandment but old is word that which you have heard [No book]
[8]Again a commandment new write I to you that which is true in Him and in you for the darkness has passed it the light true begins to appear [No book]
[9]Whoever says therefore that he is in the light and hates his brother in darkness is until now [No book]
[10]He but who loves his brother in light dwells and offense there is not in him [No book]
[11]He but who hates his brother in darkness is and in darkness walks and not knows where he goes because the darkness has blinded them his eyes [No book]
[12]Write I to you children that are forgiven to you your sins because of His Name [No book]
[13]Write I to you fathers that you have known Him The One Who being was from the beginning write I to you young men that you have conquered him the Evil One I have written to you boys that you have known The Father [No book]
[14]I have written to you fathers that you have known Him Who is from the beginning I have written to you young men that strong you are and the word of Alaha dwells in you and you have conquered The Evil One [No book]
[15]Not love the world neither the things that are in it whoever for loves the world the love of The Father is not in him [No book]
[16]Every thing for that is in it in the world desire the of the body and the lust of the eyes and the pride of temporal life these that not have been from The Father but from it these are from the world [No book]
[17]Passing the world is and its lust he but who does the will of Alaha continues to eternity [No book]
[18]My children a time it is an end and as what you have heard that comes The Messiah false and now have been to them many messiahs false and from this we know that a time it is an end [No book]
[19]From us they went out but not from us they were if for from us they were with us remaining they would have been but they went out from us to disclose that not from us they were [No book]
[20]And you an anointing is to you from The Holy One and distinguish you do every person [No book]
[21]Not I have written to you because not know you it the truth but because know you it and that every lie not is from it from the truth [No book]
[22]Who is? a liar except only whoever denies that Ieshu not is The Messiah this one is The Messiah false he who denies The Father denies also The Son [No book]
[23]And he who denies The Son also not in The Father believes whoever confesses The Son also The Father confesses [No book]
[24]And you anything that you heard from the first let remain with you if for remains with you that which you heard from the first also you remaining are in The Father and in The Son [No book]
[25]And this is the promise which He has promised us life eternal [No book]
[26]These things but I have written to you because of those who seduce you [No book]
[27]And also you if will remain with you The Anointing Which you received from Him not need you that anyone will teach you but as The Anointing Who is from Alaha is teaching you about everything and true is and there is not in Him falsehood and as He has taught you abide in Him [No book]