[1]And behold how much abounds the love of The Father to us that children He has called us also He has made us because of this the world not knows us because neither Him it knows [2]Beloved now children we are of Alaha and not was it revealed until now what? we are going to be we know but that when He has been revealed in His likeness we shall be and we shall see Him as what He is [3]And everyone who that is to Him upon Him this hope purifies himself as He pure is [4]Whoever but does sin evil commits sin for entirely evil is [5]And know you that He was revealed to take away our sins and sin in Him there is not [6]And everyone who in Him remains not sins and everyone who sins not has seen Him neither has he known Him [7]Children not anyone let deceive you he who does righteousness righteous is as also He The Messiah is righteous [8]He who commits sin from Satan is because from the beginning he Satan a sinner is and because of this appeared The Son of Alaha to destroy the works of Satan [9]Everyone who is begotten from Alaha sin not does because his seed in him is and not he is able to sin because from Alaha he has been begotten [10]In this are distinguished the children of Alaha from the children of Satan everyone who not does righteousness neither loves his brother is not from Alaha [11]For this is the commandment that you have heard from the first that you shall love one another [12]Not as Qayn He who being was from The Evil One and murdered his brother and because of what? he murdered him but because evil were his works and that his brother's righteous [13]And not be surprised my brothers if hates you the world [14]We we know that we have departed from death to life in this that we love the brethren he who not loves his brother remains in the death [15]Every for who hates his brother murder a person does and know you that everyone who murders a person not can abide in him lives eternal [16]By this we know His love that is toward us for He gave His Life in our place and also we it is right for us that for the sake of our brothers we would give our lives [17]And whoever? has to him possessions of the world and will see his brother who has a need and will withhold his compassion from him how? is in him the love of Alaha [18]Children not let us love one another in words and in tongue but in deeds and in truth [19]And by this we are made known that from the truth we are and before comes He we assure our hearts [20]For if it is our heart condemns us how much? Alaha greater is than our heart and He knows all things [21]Beloved if our heart not condemns us open are our faces before Alaha [22]And all things that we ask we shall receive from Him because we keep His commandments and good we do before Him [23]And this is His commandment that we believe in The Name of His Son Ieshu The Messiah and we should love one another as He commanded us [24]And whoever keeps His commandments by Him is kept and He lodges in him and by this we perceive that He lodges in us from His Spirit That One Whom He gives to us