Peshitta NT (literal)
The Epistle of Barnabas
1 John
[1]Everyone who believes that Ieshu is The Messiah from Alaha is born and everyone who loves the parent loves also the one who is begotten of him [No book]
[2]And in this we know that we love the children of Alaha whenever to Alaha we love and we do His commandments [No book]
[3]This is for the love of Alaha to keep His commandments and His commandments not are burdensome [No book]
[4]Because everyone who is born from Alaha conquers for himself the universe and this is the victory that conquers the universe our faith [No book]
[5]Who is? for he who conquers for himself the universe but he who believes that Ieshu The Son is of Alaha [No book]
[6]This is Who came by water and blood Ieshu The Messiah not was by water only but by water and blood [No book]
[7]And The Spirit testifies because The Spirit is The Truth [No book]
[8]And they are three testifying The Spirit and the water and the blood and the three of them in one are [No book]
[9]If the testimony of men we receive one how much? the testimony of Alaha greater is and this is the testimony of Alaha which He witnesses about His Son [No book]
[10]Everyone who believes in The Son of Alaha there is to him this witness in his soul everyone who not believes to Alaha a liar makes Him because not he believes the testimony that testifies Alaha concerning His Son [No book]
[11]And this is the testimony that lives eternal gave us Alaha and those lives in His Son are [No book]
[12]Everyone who lays hold of The Son has lays hold of also Life and everyone who not lays hold of The Son of Alaha there is not to him Life [No book]
[13]These I have written to you that you will know that life eternal is to you to those you who believe in The Name of The Son of Alaha [No book]
[14]And this the confidence is to us toward Him that all that we ask Him according to His will He hears us [No book]
[15]And if we are convinced that He hears us about whatever we ask from Him we trust that we receive even now our objects of desire that we ask from Him [No book]
[16]If a man sees his brother who sins a sin that not is condemned to death let him ask and is given to him life for those who not are as to death sinning there is for sin of death not it is for this say I that should pray the man [No book]
[17]Every evil for sin is and there is a sin that not is of death it [No book]
[18]And we know of everyone who is born from Alaha not sins he for who is born from Alaha keeps his soul and The Evil One not touches it [No book]
[19]We know that from Alaha we are and the world all in Evil One that lies [No book]
[20]And we know that The Son of Alaha has come and He has given us a mind to know The True One and to be in Him in The True One in His Son Ieshu The Messiah This One is Alaha The True and The Life Eternal [No book]
[21]My children keep yourselves from the worship of idols [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com