[1]Ech man that bileueth that Jhesus is Crist, is borun of God; and ech man that loueth hym that gendride, loueth hym that is borun of hym.
[2]In this thing we knowen, that we louen the children of God, whanne we louen God, and don his maundementis.
[3]For this is the charite of God, that we kepe hise maundementis; and his maundementis ben not heuy.
[4]For al thing that is borun of God, ouercometh the world; and this is the victorie that ouercometh the world, oure feith.
[5]And who is he that ouercometh the world, but he that bileueth that Jhesus is the sone of God?
[6]This is Jhesus Crist, that cam bi watir and blood; not in water oonli, but in watir and blood. And the spirit is he that witnessith, that Crist is treuthe.
[7]For thre ben, that yyuen witnessing in heuene, the Fadir, the Sone, and the Hooli Goost; and these thre ben oon.
[8]`And thre ben, that yyuen witnessing in erthe, the spirit, water, and blood; and these thre ben oon.
[9]If we resseyuen the witnessing of men, the witnessing of God is more; for this is the witnessing of God, that is more, for he witnesside of his sone.
[10]He that bileueth in the sone of God, hath the witnessing of God in hym. He that bileueth not to the sone, makith hym a liere; for he bileueth not in the witnessing, that God witnesside of his sone.
[11]And this is the witnessyng, for God yaf to you euerlastinge lijf, and this lijf is in his sone.
[12]He that hath the sone of God, hath also lijf; he that hath not the sone of God, hath not lijf.
[13]I write to you these thingis, that ye wite, that ye han euerlastynge lijf, which bileuen in the name of Goddis sone.
[14]And this is the trist which we han to God, that what euer thing we axen aftir his wille, he schal here vs.
[15]And we witen, that he herith vs, what euer thing we axen; we witen, that we han the axyngis, which we axen of hym.
[16]He that woot that his brother synneth a synne not to deth, axe he, and lijf schal be youun to hym that synneth not to deth. Ther is a synne to deth; `not for it Y seie, that ony man preie.
[17]Ech wickidnesse is synne, and ther is synne to deth.
[18]We witen, that ech man that is borun of God, synneth not; but the generacioun of God kepith hym, and the wickid touchith hym not.
[19]We witen, that we ben of God, and al the world is set in yuel.
[20]And we witen, that the sone of God cam in fleisch, and yaf to vs wit, that we know veri God, and be in the veri sone of hym.
[21]This is veri God, and euerlastynge lijf. My litle sones, kepe ye you fro maumetis.