The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Bishops' Bible (1568)
[1]DavidH1732 therefore departedH3212[H8799] thence, and escapedH4422[H8735] to the caveH4631 AdullamH5725: and when his brethrenH251 and all his father'sH1 houseH1004 heardH8085[H8799] it, they went downH3381 thither to himH8799. [1]Dauid therfore departed thence, & escaped to the caue Adullam: Whe his brethren also & his fathers house heard it, they went downe thyther to him
[2]And every oneH376 that was in distressH4689, and every oneH376 that was in debtH5378[H8801], and every oneH376 that was discontentedH4751[H5315], gatheredH6908[H8691] themselves unto him; and he became a captainH8269 over them: and there were with him about fourH702 hundredH3967 menH376. [2]And there gathered vnto him all men that were in combraunce, and in det, and troubled in their mindes, & he became a captayne ouer them: And there were with him vpon a foure hundred men
[3]And DavidH1732 wentH3212[H8799] thence to MizpehH4708 of MoabH4124: and he saidH559[H8799] unto the kingH4428 of MoabH4124, Let my fatherH1 and my motherH517, I pray thee, come forthH3318[H8799], and be with you, till I knowH3045[H8799] what GodH430 will doH6213 for meH8799. [3]And Dauid went thence to Mispah in the land of Moab, and sayde vnto the king of Moab: Let my father and my mother (I pray thee) come foorth vnto you, till I knowe what God wyl do for me
[4]And he broughtH5148[H8686] them beforeH6440 the kingH4428 of MoabH4124: and they dweltH3427[H8799] with him all the whileH3117 that DavidH1732 was in the holdH4686. [4]And he brought them before the king of Moab: and they dwelt with him all the whyle that Dauid kept him selfe in the holde
[5]And the prophetH5030 GadH1410 saidH559[H8799] unto DavidH1732, AbideH3427[H8799] not in the holdH4686; departH3212[H8798], and getH935[H8804] thee into the landH776 of JudahH3063. Then DavidH1732 departedH3212[H8799], and cameH935[H8799] into the forestH3293 of HarethH2802. [5]And the prophete Gad sayde vnto Dauid: Abyde not in the hold, but depart & go into the land of Iuda. Then Dauid departed, & came into the forest Hareth
[6]When SaulH7586 heardH8085[H8799] that DavidH1732 was discoveredH3045[H8738], and the menH582 that were with him, (now SaulH7586 abodeH3427[H8802] in GibeahH1390 under a treeH815 in RamahH7414, having his spearH2595 in his handH3027, and all his servantsH5650 were standingH5324 about himH8737;) [6]And Saul hearde that Dauid was discouered, and also the men that were with him: and Saul sat in Gibea vnder a tree in Rama, hauing his speare in his hande, and all his men stoode about him
[7]Then SaulH7586 saidH559[H8799] unto his servantsH5650 that stoodH5324[H8737] about him, Hear nowH8085[H8798], ye BenjamitesH1145; will the sonH1121 of JesseH3448 giveH5414[H8799] every one of you fieldsH7704 and vineyardsH3754, and makeH7760[H8799] you all captainsH8269 of thousandsH505, and captainsH8269 of hundredsH3967; [7]And Saul sayde vnto his seruauntes that stoode about him, Heare I pray you, ye sonnes of Iemini: will ye sonne of Isai geue euery one of you fieldes and vineyardes, and make you all captaines ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes
[8]That all of you have conspiredH7194[H8804] against me, and there is none that shewethH1540[H8802][H241] me that my sonH1121 hath made a leagueH3772[H8800] with the sonH1121 of JesseH3448, and there is none of you that is sorryH2470[H8802] for me, or shewethH1540[H8802][H241] unto me that my sonH1121 hath stirred upH6965[H8689] my servantH5650 against me, to lie in waitH693[H8802], as at this dayH3117? [8]That ye haue also conspired agaynst me, & there is none that telleth me that my sonne hath made a couenaunt with the sonne of Isai, and there is none of you yt is sory for me, or sheweth me that my sonne hath stirred vp my seruaunt to lye in wayte agaynst me [as appeareth] this day
[9]Then answeredH6030[H8799] DoegH1673 the EdomiteH130, which was setH5324[H8737] over the servantsH5650 of SaulH7586, and saidH559[H8799], I sawH7200[H8804] the sonH1121 of JesseH3448 comingH935[H8802] to NobH5011, to AhimelechH288 the sonH1121 of AhitubH285. [9]Then aunswered Doeg the Edomite (which was appoynted by ye seruauntes of Saul) and sayd: I sawe the sonne of Isai, when he came to Nob to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitob
[10]And he enquiredH7592[H8799] of the LORDH3068 for him, and gaveH5414[H8804] him victualsH6720, and gaveH5414[H8804] him the swordH2719 of GoliathH1555 the PhilistineH6430. [10]Whiche asked councel of the Lorde for him, and gaue him vittayles, and the sword of Goliath the Philistine also
[11]Then the kingH4428 sentH7971[H8799] to callH7121[H8800] AhimelechH288 the priestH3548, the sonH1121 of AhitubH285, and all his father'sH1 houseH1004, the priestsH3548 that were in NobH5011: and they cameH935[H8799] all of them to the kingH4428. [11]Then the king sent and called for Ahimelech the priest the sonne of Ahitob, & all his fathers house [that is to saye] the priestes that were in Nob: And they came all to the king
[12]And SaulH7586 saidH559[H8799], HearH8085[H8798] now, thou sonH1121 of AhitubH285. And he answeredH559[H8799], Here I am, my lordH113. [12]And Saul sayde: Heare nowe thou sonne of Ahitob. He aunswered: Here I am, my lorde
[13]And SaulH7586 saidH559[H8799] unto him, Why have ye conspiredH7194[H8804] against me, thou and the sonH1121 of JesseH3448, in that thou hast givenH5414[H8800] him breadH3899, and a swordH2719, and hast enquiredH7592[H8800] of GodH430 for him, that he should riseH6965[H8800] against me, to lie in waitH693[H8802], as at this dayH3117? [13]And Saul sayde vnto him: Why haue ye conspired agaynst me, thou, and the sonne of Isai, in that thou hast geuen him vittayle, and a sworde, and hast asked councel of God for him, yt he shoulde aryse against me, and lye in waite for me [as appeareth] this day
[14]Then AhimelechH288 answeredH6030[H8799] the kingH4428, and saidH559[H8799], And who is so faithfulH539[H8737] among all thy servantsH5650 as DavidH1732, which is the king'sH4428 son in lawH2860, and goethH5493[H8804] at thy biddingH4928, and is honourableH3513[H8737] in thine houseH1004? [14]Ahimelech aunswered the king, and sayde: Who is so faithfull among all thy seruauntes, as Dauid, and therto the kinges sonne in lawe: and goeth at thy bidding, and is had in honour in thyne house
[15]Did I thenH3117 beginH2490[H8689] to enquireH7592[H8800] of GodH430 for him? be it far from meH2486: let not the kingH4428 imputeH7760[H8799] any thingH1697 unto his servantH5650, nor to all the houseH1004 of my fatherH1: for thy servantH5650 knewH3045[H8804] nothingH1697 of all this, lessH6996 or moreH1419. [15]Haue I this day begun first to aske councell of God for him? That be farre from me: Let not the king impute any thing vnto his seruaut, nor to all ye house of my father: For thy seruaunt knewe nothing of all this, either lesse or more
[16]And the kingH4428 saidH559[H8799], Thou shalt surelyH4191[H8800] dieH4191[H8799], AhimelechH288, thou, and all thy father'sH1 houseH1004. [16]The king sayde, Thou shalt surely die Ahimelech, thou, & al thy fathers house
[17]And the kingH4428 saidH559[H8799] unto the footmenH7323[H8801] that stoodH5324[H8737] about him, TurnH5437[H8798], and slayH4191[H8685] the priestsH3548 of the LORDH3068; because their handH3027 also is with DavidH1732, and because they knewH3045[H8804] when he fledH1272[H8802], and did not shewH1540[H8804][H241] it to me. But the servantsH5650 of the kingH4428 wouldH14[H8804] not put forthH7971[H8800] their handH3027 to fallH6293[H8800] upon the priestsH3548 of the LORDH3068. [17]And the king sayde vnto the footemen that stoode about him: Turne, and slay the priestes of the Lorde: both because their hand is with Dauid, and because they knewe when Dauid fled, and shewed it not to me. But the seruauntes of the king would not moue their hades to fal vpon the priestes of the Lorde
[18]And the kingH4428 saidH559[H8799] to DoegH1673, TurnH5437[H8798] thou, and fallH6293[H8798] upon the priestsH3548. And DoegH1673 the EdomiteH130 turnedH5437[H8735], and he fellH6293[H8799] upon the priestsH3548, and slewH4191[H8686] on that dayH3117 fourscoreH8084 and fiveH2568 personsH376 that did wearH5375[H8802] a linenH906 ephodH646. [18]And the king sayde to Doeg: Turne thou, & fall vpon the priestes. And Doeg the Edomite turned, and ranne vpon the priestes, & slue that same day fourescore and fiue persons that did weare a linnen Ephod
[19]And NobH5011, the cityH5892 of the priestsH3548, smoteH5221[H8689] he with the edgeH6310 of the swordH2719, both menH376 and womenH802, childrenH5768 and sucklingsH3243[H8802], and oxenH7794, and assesH2543, and sheepH7716, with the edgeH6310 of the swordH2719. [19]And Nob the citie of ye priestes, smote he with the edge of the sword, both men and women, children and sucklinges, oxen and asses, & sheepe, with the edge of the sworde
[20]And oneH259 of the sonsH1121 of AhimelechH288 the sonH1121 of AhitubH285, namedH8034 AbiatharH54, escapedH4422[H8735], and fledH1272[H8799] afterH310 DavidH1732. [20]And one of the sonnes of Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitob, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled to Dauid
[21]And AbiatharH54 shewedH5046[H8686] DavidH1732 that SaulH7586 had slainH2026[H8804] the LORD'SH3068 priestsH3548. [21]And Abiathar shewed Dauid howe that Daul had slayne ye Lordes priestes
[22]And DavidH1732 saidH559[H8799] unto AbiatharH54, I knewH3045[H8804] it that dayH3117, when DoegH1673 the EdomiteH130 was there, that he would surelyH5046[H8687] tellH5046[H8686] SaulH7586: I have occasionedH5437[H8804] the death of all the personsH5315 of thy father'sH1 houseH1004. [22]And Dauid sayde vnto Abiathar: I wist it the same day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would tel Saul: and I am cause of the death of all the persons of thy fathers house
[23]AbideH3427[H8798] thou with me, fearH3372[H8799] not: for he that seekethH1245[H8762] my lifeH5315 seekethH1245[H8762] thy lifeH5315: but with me thou shalt be in safeguardH4931. [23]Abyde thou with me, and feare not: For he that seketh my lyfe, he shall seke thine also, with me thou shalt be in safegarde
Source: studybible.info
Source: studybible.org