[1]And because we could not endure, we were willing to be left at Athinos alone, [2]And to send to you Timotheos our brother, a minister of Aloha and our helper in the gospel of the Meshiha, to fortify you, and inquire of you concerning your faith, [3]That none of you should be slain through these afflictions; for you know that to this we are set. [4]For while also we were with you, we foretold you that we were to be afflicted, as you know that it hath been. [5]On account of this also, I, not enduring until I had sent to know your faith, lest the tempter should tempt you, and we should have laboured in vain; [6]But now when Timotheos came to us from among you, and gave us intelligence of your faith and of your love, and that you have a good remembrance of us in every season, and desire to see us as we also [to see] you; [7]On this account we were comforted in you, my brethren, in all our anxieties and our afflictions because of your faith. [8]And now we live, if you are established in our Lord. [9]For what thanks giving can we render on account of you to Aloha, over all the joy with which we rejoice on your behalf, [10]Unless before Aloha we supplicate exceedingly by night and by day to see your faces, and to perfect what is wanting to your faith? [11]But Aloha himself, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, will make straight our way to you, [12]And he will cause your love to increase to one another, and to every man, even as we love you; [13]And will establish your hearts without blame in holiness, before Aloha our Father, at the advent of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha with all his saints.

Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info