[1]I exhort therefore, that firste of all, prayers, supplications, intercessios and geuynge of thankes be made for all men [2]For kynges, and for all that are in auctoritie, that we maye leade a quiete and peaceable lyfe, in all godlynesse and honestie [3]For that is good and accepted in the syght of God our sauiour [4]Who wyll haue all men to be saued, and to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth [5]For [there is] one God, and one mediatour of God and men, the man Christe Iesus [6]Who gaue him selfe a raunsome for all, a testimonie in due tymes [7]Wherevnto I am ordeined a preacher and an apostle (I tell the trueth in Christe, and lye not) a teacher of the gentiles in fayth and veritie [8]I wyll therefore, that the men praye euerywhere, lyftyng vp holy handes, without wrath and reasonyng [9]Lykewyse also the women, that they araye them selues in comely apparell, with shamefastnesse, and discrete behauiour, not in brayded heere, either golde or pearles, or costly aray [10]But (that becommeth women professyng godlynesse) through good workes [11]Let the woman learne in scilence in all subiection [12]But I suffer not a woman to teache, neither to vsurpe auctoritie ouer ye man, but to be in scilence [13]For Adam was first fourmed, then Eue [14]And Adam was not deceaued: but the woman beyng deceaued, was in the transgression [15]Notwithstandyng through bearyng of chyldren she shalbe saued, yf they continue in fayth and loue, and holynesse, with modestie

Source: studybible.org