Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]A feithful word. If ony man desirith a bishopriche, he desirith a good werk. [1]This is a true saying, If any man desire the office of a Bishop, he desireth a worthy work.
[2]Therfor it bihoueth a byschop to be with out repreef, the hosebonde of o wijf, sobre, prudent, chast, vertewous, holdinge hospitalite, a techere; [2]A Bishop therefore must be unreprovable, the husband of one wife, watching, sober, modest, harborous, apt to teach,
[3]not youun myche to wyn, not a smytere, but temperat, not ful of chiding, not coueitouse, wel reulinge his hous, [3]Not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre, but gentle, no fighter, not covetous,
[4]and haue sones suget with al chastite; [4]One that can rule his own house honestly, having children under obedience with all honesty.
[5]for if ony man kan not gouerne his house, hou schal he haue diligence of the chirche of God? not new conuertid to the feith, [5]For if any cannot rule his own house, how shall he care for the Church of God?
[6]lest he be borun vp in to pride, and falle in to doom of the deuel. [6]He may not be a young scholar, lest he being puffed up fall into the condemnation of the devil.
[7]For it bihoueth hym to haue also good witnessing of hem that ben with outforth, that he falle not in to repreef, and in to the snare of the deuel. [7]He must also be well reported of, even of them which are without, lest he fall into rebuke, and the snare of the devil.
[8]Also it bihoueth dekenes to be chast, not double tungid, not youun myche to wyn, not suynge foul wynnyng; [8]Likewise must Deacons be honest, not double-tongued, not given unto much wine, neither to filthy lucre,
[9]that han the mysterie of feith in clene conscience. [9]Having the mystery of the faith in pure conscience.
[10]But be thei preued first, and mynystre so, hauynge no cryme. [10]And let them first be proved: then let them minister, if they be found blameless.
[11]Also it bihoueth wymmen to be chast, not bacbitinge, sobre, feithful in alle thingis. [11]Likewise their wives must be honest, not evil speakers, but sober, and faithful in all things.
[12]Dekenes be hosebondis of o wijf; whiche gouerne wel her sones and her housis. [12]Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife, and such as can rule their children well, and their own households.
[13]For thei that mynystren wel, schulen gete a good degre to hem silf, and myche triste in the feith, that is in Crist Jhesu. [13]For they that have ministered well, get themselves a good degree, and great liberty in the faith, which is in Christ Jesus.
[14]Sone Timothe, Y write to thee these thingis, hopinge that Y schal come soon to thee; [14]These things write I unto thee, trusting to come very shortly unto thee.
[15]but if Y tarie, that thou wite, hou it bihoueth thee to lyue in the hous of God, that is the chirche of lyuynge God, a pilere and sadnesse of treuthe. [15]But if I tarry long, that thou mayest yet know, how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth.
[16]And opynli it is a greet sacrament of pitee, that thing that was schewid in fleisch, it is iustified in spirit, it apperid to aungels, it is prechid to hethene men, it is bileuyd in the world, it is takun vp in glorie. [16]And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, which is, God is manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, and received up in glory.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Source: archive.org