[1]Let them who are under the yoke of servitude, hold their masters in all honor; lest the name of God and his doctrine be reproached.
[2]And let them who have believing masters, not treat them with disrespect, because they are their brethren; but let them be more obedient, because they are believers and beloved, in whose service they enjoy quietness. These things teach thou, and request of them.
[3]But if there be any one, who teacheth a different doctrine, and doth not accede to the salutary words of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, and to the doctrine of the fear of God,
[4]he is one that exalteth himself, while he knoweth nothing; and he languisheth in the search and inquiry about words, from which come envy, and contention, and railing, and evil surmising,
[5]and the disputation of men, whose minds are corrupt and destitute of the truth, and who suppose that gain is godliness. But from these stand thou aloof.
[6]But great is our gain, which is the fear of God, with the use of our competence.
[7]For we brought nothing into the world; and we know that we can carry nothing out of it.
[8]Therefore, food and clothing satisfy us.
[9]But they who desire to become rich, fall into temptations, and into snares, and into many lusts which are foolish and hurtful, and which drown men in destruction and perdition:
[10]for the love of money is the root of all these evils. And there are some who, coveting it, have erred from the faith, and brought themselves into many sorrows.
[11]But thou, O man of God, flee from these things; and follow after righteousness, and rectitude, and faith, and love, and patience, and humility.
[12]And contend in the good contest of faith; and lay hold of life eternal, to which thou art called, and [of which] thou hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses.
[13]I charge thee, before God, who quickeneth all, and [before] Jesus the Messiah who attested a good testimony before Pontius Pilate,
[14]that thou keep the injunction, without stain, and without blemish, until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus the Messiah;
[15]which God will, in due time make visible; [God] the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords;
[16]who only is incorruptible, and dwelleth in light to which no one can approach; and whom no man hath seen, or even can see: to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
[17]Charge the rich of this world, that they be not uplifted in their minds; and that they confide not in riches, in which is no security; but in the living God, who giveth us all things abundantly for our comfort:
[18]and that they do good works, and be rich in well-doings; and be ready to give and to communicate:
[19]and that they lay up for themselves a good foundation for that which is future; that they may take hold of real life.
[20]O Timothy, be careful of that which is committed to thee; and shun vain words, and the oppositions of false science:
[21]for they who profess it, have erred from the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.End of the first Epistle to Timothy; which was written from Laodicea.