[1]And it chaunced, that whe the Lord would take vp Elias into heauen by a whorle wind, Elias went with Elisa from Gilgal [2]And Elias saide vnto Elisa: Tary here I praye thee, for the Lorde hath sent me to Bethel. Elisa saide vnto him: As the Lorde lyueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. And they came downe to Bethel [3]And the children of the prophetes that were at Bethel came out to Elisa, and saide vnto him: knowest thou not how that the Lord wyll take away thy maister from thy head this day? He saide: I knowe it also, holde you your peace [4]And Elia saide vnto him: Elisa, tary here I praye thee, for the Lorde hath sent me to Iericho. He saide: As the Lorde lyueth, and as thy soule lyueth, I will not leaue thee. And so they came to Iericho [5]And the children of the prophetes that were at Iericho came to Elisa, and said vnto him: Knowest thou not, that the Lorde wil take away thy maister from thy head this day? He aunswered: I know it also, holde ye your peace [6]And Elias said vnto him: Tary I pray thee here, for the Lorde hath sent me to Iordane. He saide: As the Lord liueth, & as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not leaue thee. And so they two went together [7]And fiftie men of the sonnes of the prophetes came & stoode on the other syde a farre of: and they two stoode by Iordane [8]And Elias toke his mantell, & wrapt it together, and smote the waters, and they were deuided parte the one way, and part the other, so that they two went ouer through the drye lande [9]And it fortuned, that assoone as they were ouer, Elias saide vnto Elisa: Aske what I shal do for thee, yer I be taken away from thee. And Elisa saide: I pray thee let thy spirite be double vpon me [10]And he said, Thou hast asked an hard thing: Neuerthelesse, if thou see me whe I am taken away from thee, thou shalt haue it so: yf thou do not, it shall not be [11]And it fortuned, that as they went walking and talking: beholde, there appeared a charet of fyre, and horses of fyre, & parted them both a sunder, and Elias went vp through the whorle winde into heauen [12]And Elisa sawe, and cryed: O my father, O my father, the charet of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he sawe him no more: and he toke his owne clothes, and rent them in two peeces [13]He toke vp also the mantell of Elias that fell from him, and went backe againe, and stoode by Iordanes syde [14]And toke the mantel of Elias that fel from him, and smote the waters, & he said: Where is the Lord God of Elias, & he him selfe? And when he had smitten the waters, they parted this waye and that waye: and Elisa went ouer [15]And when the childre of the prophetes which were at Iericho sawe him from a farre, they sayde, The spirite of Elias doth rest on Elisa: And they came to meete him, and fel to the grounde before him [16]And saide vnto him: See, now there be with thy seruauntes fiftie strong men, let the go we pray thee & seeke thy maister: yf happly the spirite of the Lorde hath taken him vp, and cast him vpon some mountaine, or into some valley. And he saide: Ye shall send none [17]And when they laye vpon him tyll he was ashamed, he said: Send. They sent therefore fiftie men, which sought him three dayes, but found him not [18]And when they came againe to him (which taryed at Iericho) he saide vnto them: Did I not saye vnto you, that ye should not go [19]And the men of the citie saide vnto Elisa: beholde sir, the dwelling of this citie is pleasaunt, as thou thy selfe seest: but the water is naught, & the grounde barren [20]He saide: Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him [21]And he went vnto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in thyther, and saide, thus saith the Lord: I haue healed these waters, there shall not come hencefoorth either death or barennesse [22]So the waters were healed vnto this day, according to the saying of Elias, which he spake [23]And he went vp from thence vnto Bethel: And as he was going vp the way, there came litle children out of the citie, and mocked him, & saide vnto him: Go vp thou balde head, go vp thou balde head [24]And he turned backe, and loked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lorde: And there came two shee beares out of the wood, and tare fourtie and two children of them [25]And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he turned againe to Samaria

Source: studybible.org