[1]But wite thou this thing, that in the laste daies perelouse tymes schulen neiye, and men schulen be louynge hem silf, |
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[2]coueitouse, hiy of bering, proude, blasfemeris, not obedient to fadir and modir, vnkynde, |
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[3]cursid, with outen affeccioun, with out pees, false blameris, vncontynent, vnmylde, |
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[4]with out benygnyte, traitouris, ouerthwert, bollun with proude thouytis, blynde, loueris of lustis more than of God, |
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[5]hauynge the licknesse of pitee, but denyynge the vertu of it. And eschewe thou these men. |
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[6]Of these thei ben that persen housis, and leden wymmen caitifs chargid with synnes, whiche ben led with dyuerse desiris, euere more lernynge, |
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[7]and neuere perfitli comynge to the science of treuthe. |
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[8]And as Jannes and Mambres ayenstoden Moises, so these ayenstonden treuthe, men corrupt in vndirstonding, repreuyd aboute the feith. |
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[9]But ferthere thei schulen not profite, for the vnwisdom of hem schal be knowun to alle men, as hern was. |
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[10]But thou hast getun my teching, ordinaunce, purposing, feith, long abiding, loue, |
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[11]pacience, persecuciouns, passiouns, whiche weren maad to me at Antioche, at Ycony, at Listris, what maner persecucyouns Y suffride, and the Lord hath delyuered me of alle. |
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[12]And alle men that wolen lyue feithfuli in Crist Jhesu, schulen suffre persecucioun. |
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[13]But yuele men and disseyueris schulen encreese in to worse, errynge, and sendinge in to errour. |
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[14]But dwelle thou in these thingis that thou hast lerud, and that ben bitakun to thee, witinge of whom thou hast lerud; |
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[15]for thou hast knowun hooli lettris fro thi youthe, whiche moun lerne thee to heelthe, bi feith that is in Crist Jhesu. |
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[16]For al scripture inspirid of God is profitable to teche, to repreue, to chastice, to lerne in riytwisnes, |
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[17]the man of God be parfit, lerud to al good werk. |
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